Planck's constant explanation-Jayam chemistry learners

 Planck's constant of quantum theory

Introduction to Planck's constant

It is a fundamental physical quantity. Its magnitude and unit are independent of other physical quantities for measurements.

The image defines the Planck constant.

It explains the particle nature of light on the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Thus, Planck's constant plays a vital role in quantum theory.

It is a number that helps to calculate the energy of light.

The symbol "h" denotes it.

It is a constant value that does not change with time. So, it is a universal constant.

The value of Planck's constant is 6.626 X 10-34 Js in the SI system.

Today's blog post topic is Planck's constant explanation. It covers definitions, units, values, and applications of Planck's constant.

Table of contents:

Introduction to Planck’s constant

What is Planck’s constant?

Who discovered Planck’s constant?

Units of Planck’s constant

Mind map of Planck’s constant

Value of Planck’s constant

Experimental methods to determine Planck’s constant

Why did Planck introduce h?

Applications of Planck’s constant

Reduced Planck’s constant

Difference between the Planck’s constant and the reduced Planck’s constant

Multiple choice questions and answers of Planck’s constant

Frequently asked questions and answers of Planck’s constant

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What is Planck's constant?

It is a constant physical quantity that relates the energy of a photon with its frequency.

It is an infographic with a quick overview of Planck's constant.
Fatafat checklist of
Planck's constant

According to Planck's quantum theory, the magnitude of radiation energy varies directly with its frequency.

E ∝ ν


E= energy of light

ν= frequency of light

For an accurate result, Planck introduced a constant value in the mathematical formula that is Planck's constant.

E = hν

Where, h= Planck’s constant

Consequently, the energy of a photon is equal to the product of Planck's constant and frequency of light.

Therefore, all the light radiations at constant frequency possess the same energy.

Planck's constant is equal to the ratio of the light energy to its frequency.

h = E/ν

It shows the proportionality relation of Planck's constant with the photon's energy and frequency. Moreover, it defines the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation.

Additional reference:

What is the experimental method used to determine Planck's constant?

Who discovered Planck's constant?

A German theoretical physicist, Max Planck, introduced it.

When Planck researched black body emissions in 1900, he found that a proportionality constant is essential in his empirical formula to match the experimental results.

With effort, he calculated the value of Planck's constant to measure the quantum energy.

Max Planck received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1918 for his work on the energy quanta.

Units of Planck's constant:

In the SI system, the unit of Planck's constant is joule hertz-1 (or) joule second.

h = E/ν

It shows the units of Planck's constant.

The unit of energy in the SI system is the joule. And frequency unit is hertz.


h=joule Hertz-1

One hertz is one cycle per second.


h=joule second

In case we express energy in electron volts, the unit of Planck's constant is eV hertz-1 or eV second.

In the CGS system, the unit of Planck's constant is erg hertz-1 (or) erg second.

Because the unit of energy in the CGS system is the erg. And frequency unit is hertz.

Mind map of Planck's constant:

Planck's constant, the name itself, signifies that it is a fixed numerical value invented by the physicist Max Planck, the father of quantum mechanics. Planck quantum law proposed the directly proportional variation of photon energy with the radiation frequency. Planck's constant was the empirical fitting parameter in the Planck quantum law for precise measurements of the magnitude of quantum.

It is a globally fixed value independent of time and other experimental conditions. And its value is equal to the proportion of quantum energy to the frequency of light. Hence, the frequency data of spectral lines gives the size of the photon and vice versa.

Not only in spectral evaluations, Planck's constant plays a vital role in the measurements of the de-Broglie wavelength and photoelectric effect. Even though it is an unchanging number, a few experimental methods measure Planck's constant value in real time. They are the particle accelerator method and Kibble balance.

Click the link of Planck's constant to view our mind map.

Value of Planck's constant:

In the SI system, the value of Planck's constant is 6.626 x 10-34 joule second

In the CGS system, the value of Planck’s constant is 6.626 x 10-27 erg second


1 Joule = 107 erg

h = 6.626 x 10-34 joule second

h = 6.626 x 10-34 x 107 erg second

h = 6.626 x 10-27 erg second

In atomic units system, the value of Planck's constant is 4.136 x 10-15 eV second

Where electron volt is the unit of energy and the second is the unit of frequency in the atomic units system.

Here is the conversion of the Planck constant from the SI system to the atomic system of units.


h = 6.626 x 10-34 joule second

1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 joule

h = 6.626 x 10-34 / 1.602 x 10-19 eV second

h = 4.136 x 10-15 eV second

Here is a table for the value of Planck's constant in all three systems.

Units of system Planck constant value
SI system 6.626x10-34 joule second
CGS system 6.626x10-27 erg second
Atomic units 4.136x10-15 eV second

Here is a link to our visually designed table on the value of Planck's constant.

Experimental methods used to determine Planck's constant

The following are a few experimental methods to compute Planck's constant practically.

  1.  From Faraday's constant in electrolysis experiments
  2.  Particle accelerator method
  3.  Kibble balance

We use LED (light emitting diodes) to determine Planck's constant experimentally.

It is due to its ability to emit different colored radiations at different threshold voltages while producing electrons.

Why did Planck introduce h?

Classical physics interpretations of black body emissions assumed a continuum spectrum at thermal equilibrium.

But, it did not match well with the experimental observations.

Planck predictions of discrete energy packets for black body radiations described the spectral distribution of thermal radiation at all temperatures.

His quantum theory depicts energy variations in whole numbers multiples of quantum rather than a random value.

Hence, the black body or any object can have a set of definite periodic energy installments.

This specific energy value is determined by Planck's constant. So, he introduced Planck's constant in the empirical relation.

Alternatively, quantum energy is the integral multiple of the product of Planck's constant and frequency of light radiation.

Consideration of discrete energy increments for black body emissions proved the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiations.

It laid the foundation for quantum mechanics.

Applications of Planck's constant:

1. To determine the wave characteristics of electromagnetic radiation:

By Planck's quantum equation, we can compute the energy of a photon from the frequency of light and vice versa.

Planck's constant not only determines the frequency of radiation. Besides, it helps to measure other wave characteristics of electromagnetic radiation.

We know the product of frequency and wavelength is equal to the velocity of the light in a vacuum.

c = λ x ν

It declares the inversely proportional relationship between them. And this mathematical relation helps to determine the wavelength of light from the known quantum energy values.

E = hc/λ

Here is the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of light.

By substituting the constant values, we get;

E = (6.626 x 10-34) x (3 x 108) /λ joules

E = 19.878 x 10-26 /λ joules

Similarly, it assists in measuring the wavenumber of electromagnetic radiation from the following mathematical formula.

E = hcῩ

By substituting the values of Planck's constant and velocity of light, we get;

E = {(19.878 x 10-26) x Ῡ} joules

2. It helps to determine other Planck units such as Planck's mass, Planck's length, etc.

3. Black body radiations

It regulates the average energy associated with each quantum mode by the Planck distribution law.

It is an energy distribution equation by Max Planck.

4. Photoelectric effect

Isaac Newton explained the photoelectric effect by considering the quantum theory of Max Planck.

The frequency of incident light is the sole factor that decides the kinetic energy of the photoelectron emitted from the metal surface. And this is independent of the light intensity.

If the frequency of incident light is higher than the material's work function, a rise in light intensity increases the photoelectron emissions.

Planck-Einstein relation determines the size of the energy bundle. It is named a photon later.

E= h.f


E= kinetic energy of photo electron

f= frequency of incident light

5. To calculate the energy of an electron in the nth orbit

Bohr's atom consists of discrete stationary orbits at fixed distances from the central core.

The energy of an electron in the nth orbit is En.

En = -hcR/n2

6. To compute the de-Broglie wavelength

Louis de-Broglie suggested that Planck's constant expresses the proportionality relationship of momentum and quantum wavelength in particles.

λ = h/p


p= momentum of the particle.

λ = de-Broglie wavelength

Reduced Planck's constant:

  • Dividing Planck's constant by 2π gives reduced Planck's constant.
  • The symbol “ħ” (h-bar) denotes it.
  • Its formula is ħ = h/2π
  • Implicit to Planck's constant is frequency measured in hertz.
  • Hertz is the unit of frequency denoting one complete cycle per second.
  • Mathematically, one cycle completion implies 360 degrees (or) 2π radians.
  • Thus, the reduced Planck's constant refers to the angular frequency in radians per second. But, Planck's constant represents linear frequency in hertz.
  • Neil Bohr introduced the reduced Planck's constant to express quantized angular momentum of electron orbits.
  • Angular momentum = mvr = nħ
  • It has the same units as angular momentum.
  • Kg m2 s-1 (or) joule second is its SI unit. Similarly, g cm2 s-1 (or) erg second is its CGS unit.
  • The reduced Planck's constant in the natural unit is 1. Because Planck's constant in natural units is 2π.
  • The reduced Planck's constant value in the SI system is approximately 1.054 X 10-34 joule second.

Difference between the Planck's constant and the reduced Planck's constant:

Planck's constant and reduced Planck's constant are two different physical quantities used to measure the quantized energies of objects. Max Planck 1900 discovered the Planck constant to measure the magnitude of radiant energies emitted by black bodies. Besides, Neil Bohr introduced reduced Planck's constant to measure the quantized angular momentum of oscillating electrons.

Planck's constant Reduced Planck's constant
It is the ratio of light energy to its frequency It is the ratio of Planck's constant and 2π
It defines linear frequency in hertz It defines angular frequency in radians per second
Max Planck introduced it to measure photon energy Neil Bohr introduced it to express quantized angular momentum of electron orbits
In the SI unit, its value is 6.626 x 10-34 joule second In the SI unit, its value is 1.054 x 10-34 joule second
Its natural unit is 2π Its natural unit is 1
The symbol "h" denotes it The symbol "ħ" denotes it

Here is our Pinterest image that explains the difference between Planck's constant and reduced Planck's constant.

Multiple choice questions and answers of Planck's constant

1. Planck constant is a ______________

A. a number

B. a fixed alpha-numeric value

C. time-dependent constant


A number

2. Planck constant defines_____________

A. particle nature of photon

B. size of a photon

C. Both A and B


Both A and B

3. Electromagnetic radiation having a 3 Hz frequency comprises 12 j energy. So, using E=hν, calculate the value of h.

A. 36 joule second

B. 6.626 x 10-34 joule second

C. 0.25 joule second


6.626 x 10-34 joule second

4. What is Einstein-Planck's law?

A. E=hν

B. E=hf

C. E=hcν



5. What is Planck quantum formula?

A. E=hν

B. E=hf

C. E=hcν



6. What is the natural unit of Planck's constant?

A. 1

B. 2π

C. infinite



7. Planck's constant defines the proportionality relationship of____________

A. photon energy to the radiation frequency

B. radiation frequency to the photon energy

C. photon energy to the speed of light in a vacuum


Photon energy to the radiation frequency

8. By Planck's quantum theory, the quantum magnitude and radiation frequency vary___________________

A. directly

B. inversely

C. equal to h



9. Quantum means___________

A. Energy particle

B. Electromagnetic wave

C. Charge of photon


Energy particle

10. If the unit of frequency is hertz, then what is the unit of Planck's constant in the CGS system?

A. joule hertz

B. erg hertz-1

C. erg hertz


Erg hertz-1

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Frequently asked questions and answers on Planck's constant topic:

1. Why do we express Planck's constant in the eV unit?

Planck's constant indicates the quantization of light and matter on the atomic and subatomic levels.

In the atomic unit system, eV is the unit of energy. It partially depends on Planck's constant to define the quantum nature of light.

The physical meaning of h describes the basic features of the physical world.

So, eV seconds is the unit of Planck constant in the atomic unit system.

2. What is the significance of Planck’s constant?

Planck's constant defines the photon energy based on the frequency of light.

The formula to measure the magnitude of photon is E = hν

The symbol 'h' denotes it.

It describes the quantum nature of light by supporting Planck's discrete energy emission assumptions.

It expresses the size of a photon in Einstein-Planck's law.

E=hf (Einstein-Planck's law)


f= frequency of light radiation

3. Why did LED use to determine Planck's constant experimentally?

When electric current passes through LED, it emits photons in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The color of the LED determines the energy associated with the photon.

LED emits different colored radiations at different threshold voltages while producing electrons.

Measuring the threshold voltage at known emission wavelengths gives Planck's constant value.

4. When was Planck's constant discovered?

In 1900, the German theoretical physicist discovered Planck's constant to express the spectral radiance of the black body.

5. What are the SI and CGS units of Planck constant?

 The SI unit of the Planck constant is joule second, and the CGS unit is erg second.

6. What is the value of the Planck constant?

The value of Planck constant is 6.626 X 10-34 joule second or 6.626 X 10-27 erg second.


For more information on Planck’s quantum theory topic, kindly refer our previous blog articles.

(1) Postulates of Planck’s quantum theory

(2) MCQ questions on Planck’s quantum theory