Planck's quantum theory-MCQs-Jayam chemistry learners

 MCQs of Planck's quantum theory


Planck's quantum theory brought a revolutionary change in the character of light radiation. In early 1600, people considered light was a propagating wave of radiant energy. Although light acts as a wave during propagation, when light interacts with matter behaves as a particle. And it was invented by Max Planck in 1900. And he became the father of quantum mechanics with his quantum theory hypothesis. This blog post discusses the MCQs of Planck's quantum theory with detailed answer explanations.

It elucidates Planck's quantum theory pictorially.

(Click the image for a high-resolution picture.)

Postulates of Planck's quantum theory:

Planck's quantum theory discusses three postulates for energy transitions between the bodies. The postulates of Planck's quantum theory are here.

  1. Energy changes in a body occur discontinuously as small discrete chunks called quantum.
  2. In the case of light, the intermittent energy packets are photons. And the magnitude of the photon varies directly with the frequency of emitted light radiation.
  3. A fractional quanta is inexistent. Besides, a body must accept or release a whole number multiples of quantum periodically at regular intervals. It quantized energy transitions between two objects.

In this way, Planck's quantum theory overcomes the limitations of classical energy assumptions while light interacts with matter. Moreover, it started a new era of particle physics.

Video description of Planck quantum theory:

It is a video description of Planck's quantum theory postulates.
Planck quantum theory video description

Planck's quantum theory depicts the magnitude of energy exchanges by the bodies. We know an object accepts or releases energy to the surrounding bodies. The process of energy transmission is a continuous process following classical physics assumptions.

But it did not match in the case of thermal emissions by the blackbody under constant temperature conditions. So, Max Planck corrected it with the predictions of particle character of energy. He called it quantum, a minimum quantity of discrete energy bundle that a body can transmit.

Since then, the dual nature of energy came into light and raised the curtains to the new era of particle physics.

A body can neither absorb nor emit a fractional energy packet less than a quantum. Moreover, Planck confirmed that a whole number of integral energy chunk participates in the energy transmission process. In this way, it quantized energy interactions with matter.

Click the image to run the video that explains the three postulates of Planck quantum theory.

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Multiple choice questions and answers on Planck quantum theory:

1. Which nature of light is explained by Planck's quantum theory?

A. Wave

B. Magnetic

C. Particle

D. Object

Answer: Particle


Planck's quantum theory proves the particle nature of light experimentally with the photoelectric effect and black body radiation.

2. What do you mean by 'quantum' in Planck's quantum theory?

A. A bundle of frequency of light

B. A chunk of light energy

C. A packet of energy

D. Another name for electromagnetic radiation

Answer: A packet of energy


According to Planck's quantum theory, the quantum is the minimum amount of energy emitted or absorbed by the body.

3. Who discovered quantum theory?

A. James Clerk Maxwell

B. Max Planck

C. Isaac Newton

D. Heinrich Hertz

Answer: Max Planck


In 1900, Max Planck explained the particle nature of light with his theory known as Planck's quantum theory.

It solved the mysteries of black body emissions in the ultraviolet region.

4. What is the name for a bundle of light energy in Planck’s quantum theory?

A. Proton

B. Positronium

C. Photon

D. Protium

Answer: Photon


Photon denotes the bundle of light energy in Planck’s quantum theory.

Additional reference:

An infographic on the photon of light

5. Which of the following expresses the particle nature of light?

A. Interference

B. Diffraction

C. Photoelectric effect

D. Spin-orbit coupling

Answer: Photoelectric effect


The photoelectric effect explains the particle nature of light.

The photoelectric effect is the minimum frequency of light required to eject an electron from the metal surface.

Since the photoelectric effect restricts to a particular electron on the metal surface, it explains the particle character.

6. Planck's quantum theory is based on____________

A. Classical physics

B. Electromagnetic theory

C. Quantum mechanics

D. Atomic physics

Answer: Quantum mechanics


It is the basic theory of quantum mechanics. And it paved the way for the dual character of matter.

Previously, scientists considered that matter and energy were two unrelated separate entities with unique behavior.

Later, they accepted the dual behavior of matter and light proposed by de-Broglie.

7. What is Planck's quantum equation?

A. E = hν

B. E = h (f-f0)

C. E = ncq

D. E = nh/2π




Planck's quantum formula shows the relationship of a photon with the frequency of light.

According to it, the energy of light radiation varies directly with its frequency.

So, an increase in the frequency of emitted or absorbed light radiation increases its energy. And vice versa.

8. Which of the following is not a postulate of Planck’s quantum theory?

A. A body emits discrete packets of energy discontinuously.

B. The magnitude of energy of a photon varies directly with its frequency.

C. A body cannot emit or absorb whole number multiples of energy.

D. The minimum energy absorbed by the body is a quantum.

Answer: A body cannot emit or absorb whole number multiples of energy.


According to Planck's quantum theory, a body exchanges a whole number of multiples of energy particles.

Moreover, an object cannot accept or release energy bundle fractions with its surroundings.

9. Planck's quantum theory contradicts which of the following law?

A. Newton's motion law

B. Rayleigh-Jeans law

C. Pauli's exclusion law

D. Wien's displacement law

Answer: Rayleigh-Jeans law


Experiments of Rayleigh and Jeans on black bodies ended with the assumption of ultraviolet catastrophe.

This theoretical assumption of Rayleigh-Jeans law deviated from practical observations of black body emissions at the shorter wavelengths.

Quantization of blackbody emissions solved ultraviolet catastrophe limitation as elucidated by Rayleigh-Jeans law.

10. What is the relationship between the energy and frequency of light in Planck’s quantum theory?

A. E = hν

B. E = hν/λ

C. E = hcν

D. E = hc/ν




It shows the energy of a photon varies directly with its frequency.

So, low-frequency radiations contain low energy. Conversely, high energetic radiations possess high frequencies.

It indicates the frequency of radiation expresses its associated energy.

11. Who explained the photoelectric effect following quantum theory?

A. Rayleigh & Jeans

B. Heinrich Hertz

C. Isaac Newton

D. Gustav Kirchhoff

Answer: Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton supported the quantum nature of light proposed by Max Planck and explained the photoelectric effect.

When an incident light strikes the metal surface, two things will happen. A part of a photon's energy removes the electron from the metal surface by overcoming its binding energy. It is called threshold energy.

The remaining photon's energy helps in the motion of the photoelectron. It indicates the conversion of light energy into the kinetic energy of the photoelectron.

12.  What is the shape of the black body curve following Max Planck quantum predictions?

A. Straight line parallel to X-axis

B. Inverted U-shaped curve

C.  Straight line parallel to Y-axis

D. Distorted circular

Answer: Inverted U-shaped curve


Max Planck expressed the energy of electromagnetic radiation in terms of its frequency at different temperature conditions.

At low temperatures, the black body emits less energetic radiations.

With the increase in temperature, the black body expels high energetic radiations.

 It indicates the frequency of black body radiations varies directly with the temperature.

As mentioned earlier, the black body cannot lose energy continuously at each temperature.

Instead, it expels discrete amounts of energy at periodic intervals corresponding to the temperature change.

The assumption of erratic energy emissions by the black body solved the heavy energy change in the ultraviolet region as predicted by Rayleigh-Jeans law leading to ultraviolet catastrophe.

It solved the puzzle of black body radiations not explained by classical mechanics.

Rather than a smooth curve, Planck's assumptions gave an inverted U-shaped curve for the intensity of black body radiations. And it matches closely with the experimental results.

13. When did Planck put forward his quantum model?

A. 1900

B. 1913

C. 1885

D. 1864

Answer: 1900


Max Planck discovered the quantum theory in 1900 to depict the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation.

14. The temperature of the enclosure containing white light increases. Then what happens to the wavelength of emitted light if it follows Planck's quantum theory?

A. Wavelength increases with temperature

B. Wavelength decreases with an increase in temperature

C. Wavelength is independent of the temperature of the enclosure

D. Wavelength of light depends on the nature of the metal used in the enclosure

Answer: Wavelength decreases with an increase in temperature


The energy of a photon varies inversely with the wavelength of the light radiation.

Radiations with longer wavelengths have lower energies. And shorter wavelength radiations are highly energetic.

So, with an increase in temperature (thermal energy) of the enclosure, the wavelength of emitted light radiation decreases.

15. In which of the following conditions, when does light acts as a particle?

A. When it transfers from one body to the other

B. When it interacts with the metal surface

C. When it travels in a vacuum

D. When the oscillating electrons of light transfers energy continuously

Answer: When it interacts with the metal surface


The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon that expresses the particle nature of light.

When light radiation strikes a metal surface, it ejects the electron from the metal surface if its frequency is greater than the threshold frequency.

16. What is the relationship between the photon’s energy and the wavenumber of emitted light radiation?

A. Wavenumber of the emitted photon increases with the increase in its energy

B. Wavenumber of the emitted photon increases with the decrease in its energy

C. Wavenumber of the photon is independent of the energy of light

D. none of the above

Answer: The wavenumber of the emitted photon increases with the increase in its energy


The wavenumber of the light radiations varies directly with its photon energy.

A photon with a higher wavenumber has higher energy. Conversely, lower energy photon has lower wavenumber.

17. Why did Planck put forward the quantum theory?

A. To explain the dual nature of light

B. To explain the electromagnetic nature of light radiation

C. To streamline the black body radiation emissions

D. To describe the spin motion of the oscillating electron

Answer: To streamline the black body radiation emissions


Classical physics assumed that the black body emits energy continuously. It leads to the excess release of radiant energy in the ultraviolet region at shorter wavelengths.

It is named ultraviolet catastrophe. This theoretical assumption diverges from the practical observations of black body radiations.

Max Planck put forward his quantum theory to explain the drawbacks of black body emission proposals of classical physics.

Planck elucidated that the black body emits energy discontinuously in small installments known as quantum rather than continuously.

This concept of discrete photon emissions by black body radiations matched closely with the experimental results and corrected the limitations of classical physics.

18. Which postulate of Planck's quantum theory explains the particle nature of light?

A. Energy transfers from one body to another discontinuously.

B. The magnitude of energy varies directly with the frequency of light

C. An object can emit or absorb whole number multiples of quantum

D. The intensity of blackbody radiations depends on the temperature of the enclosure

Answer:  Energy transfers from one body to another discontinuously.


A body can absorb and emit discontinuously tiny packets of energy.

Each small energy packet is known as a quantum.

He discovered the term "quantum" to denote the minimum amount of energy emitted or absorbed by the oscillator.

19. Planck's quantum theory supports

A. Dual nature of light

B. Electromagnetic nature of light

C. interaction of a photon with matter

D. magnetic nature of oscillating electron

Answer: interaction of a photon with matter


Planck's quantum theory deals with the particle nature of light. It explains the light interaction with matter.

20. Planck's quantum theory applies to which region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

A. From radio waves to gamma rays

B. From infrared region to ultraviolet region

C. From visible zone to ultraviolet region

D. From Microwave region to visible region

Answer: From radio waves to gamma rays


Planck's quantum theory explains the nature of light. Light is electromagnetic radiation. So, Planck's quantum theory applies to the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

21. Which of the following is a limitation of Planck’s quantum theory?

A. It did not explain the wave nature of light

B. It did not explain the velocity of light

C. It only applies to non-periodic systems

D. It only considers electron oscillation rather than atomic oscillations

Answer: It only applies to non-periodic systems


It described the energy emissions of periodic systems. It does not apply to non-periodic objects.

22. Which of the following is not an application of Planck's quantum theory?

A. Fiber optic telecommunications

B. Lasers

C. Pendulum clock

D. MRI scan

Answer: Pendulum clock


The pendulum clock works on the principle of periodic motion.

23. Atomic clocks of satellites follow_________________

A. Electromagnetic theory

B. Quantum physics

C. Pendulum motion principle

D. Vibrational motion theory

Answer: Quantum physics


Atomic clocks fitted in satellites for GPS navigation follow quantum physics.

24. Which of the following energy notation is following Planck's quantum theory?

A. 3.33 joules

B. 3/4 joules

C. 0.334 joules

D. 3 joules

Answer: 3 joules


A body can accept or release whole number multiples of quantum. For example- an object can give or take 1hν, 2hν, or 3hν, nhν units of energy. 

Energy in fractions of a quantum can neither emitted nor absorbed. For example- an object cannot transmit 1/2hν, 3/2hν, or 5/4hν units of energy.

25. What is an ultraviolet catastrophe?

A. Excess energy emissions in the ultraviolet region

B. Excess energy absorption in the ultraviolet region

C. The wavelength of light fall in the ultraviolet region

D. The intensity of light in the ultraviolet region

Answer: Excess energy emissions in the ultraviolet region


Experiments of Rayleigh and Jeans on black body ended with the assumption of ultraviolet catastrophe.

The Rayleigh-Jeans law explained the variation of light intensity with wavelength at a particular temperature (T).

This law states that the light intensity increases enormously unbounded at shorter wavelengths of the black body radiations.

It causes excess radiant energy emission by the black body in the ultraviolet region. It is named ultraviolet catastrophe.

PPT notes of Planck quantum theory:

It shows a PPT presentation of Planck's quantum theory.
PPT of Planck quantum theory

Planck quantum theory is the foundation of quantum mechanics that explains the interaction of light with matter. The physicist Max Planck introduced the term quantum to depict the quantity of energy.

The magnitude of radiant energy is the multiplicative product of Planck's constant and the frequency of emitted radiation. It is Planck quantum law.


 All energy forms are transmitted as integral bundles of quanta intermittently. It is the condition of energy quantization.

The shreds of evidence, such as the photoelectric effect, dual nature of light, and atomic line spectra, support the particle nature of electromagnetic energy with matter. Here is an image link pointing to Planck quantum theory evidence.

Click the right side image to open our PowerPoint presentation on Planck quantum theory.

Our e-book

To purchase an e-book on Planck quantum theory, visit our e-book store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

Mind map of Planck quantum formula:

It discusses the different forms of the Planck quantum formula.
Planck quantum formula

(Click the image to view our mind map on Planck quantum formula)

Planck quantum formula defines the amount of energy that an object can exchange. The magnitude of the energy bundle is the product of a fixed numerical value known as Planck's constant with the radiation frequency. And the E value is a whole number signifying the integral multiples of quantum. Fractional quantum never exists, according to Max Planck.

The Planck quantum law is not limited only to radiation frequency. Further, we can extend it to wavelength and wavenumber of light. In this case, in addition to Planck's constant, the speed of light in a vacuum contributes to measuring the energy particle size. The three different forms of Planck quantum law are here;

E = hν

E = (19.878 x 10-26)/λ

E = (19.878 x 10-26) x

Numerical problems of Planck's quantum theory:


Calculate the energy of the photon when the wavelength of emitted radiation is 400 nm.


The wavelength of emitted light radiation = 400 nm

According to Planck's law, we have;

E=19.878 x 10-26 Jm/λ

E= 19.878 x 10-26 Jm/400 x 10-9 m

E=0.0496 x 10-17 J


Calculate the energy of the photon whose frequency is 4.67x1013 Hz.


The frequency of emitted light radiation = 4.67x1013 Hz

According to Planck's law, we have;

E= (6.626 x 10-34 Js) x ν

E= (6.626 x 10-34 Js) x 4.67x1013 Hz

E= 30.943 x 10-21 J


Calculate the wavenumber of a photon whose wavelength is 200 m.


The wavelength of emitted light radiation = 200 m

According to Planck's law, we have;

E = 19.878 x 10-26 Jm/λ

E = 19.878 x 10-26 Jm/200 = 0.09939 J

The formula to calculate the wavenumber of photon is

E = 19.878 x 10-26 Jm x Ῡ

0.9939 x 10-26 J = 19.878 x 10-26 Jm x Ῡ

Ῡ = 0.09939 x 10-26 J/19.878 x 10-26 Jm

Ῡ = 0.005 m

For more numerical problems, visit our blog post "Planck quantum theory-numerical problems"

Match the following table on Planck's quantum theory:

Here is a table to match the phrases of column-A with column B. All these words relate to Planck's quantum theory.

Column-A Column-B
A. Light is a wave 1. Energy particle
B. Quantum 2. Interaction of light with matter
C. Energy as packets 3. Max Planck
D. Photoelectric effect 4. James Clerk Maxwell

Answers for the above match the following table are A-4, B-1, C-3, and D-2.

You can download the above table from the link match the following  provided here.


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