Planck's quantum theory-Jayam chemistry learners

 Postulates of Planck's quantum theory:

Introduction to Planck's quantum theory:

Planck’s quantum theory explains the particle nature of light with quantization.

James Clerk Maxwell interpreted light as propagating wave of electric and magnetic field couple.

The mathematical equations of Maxwell and the electromagnetic study of Hertz successfully proved the wave character of light with a phenomenon such as diffraction and interference.

It depicts Planck's quantum theory.
Explanation of Planck quantum theory

The classical physics depictions of light could not explain phenomena such as black body radiations and the photoelectric effect.

The limitations of classical physics in explaining the ultraviolet catastrophe of black bodies laid the foundation for Planck’s experiments on the energies of oscillating particles.

Planck’s quantum theory proposed the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiant energies.

It explained the particle character of light that deals with the photoelectric effect and black body radiations.

It is the basic theory of quantum mechanics. And it paved the way for the dual character of matter.

Previously, scientists considered that matter and energy were two unrelated separate entities with unique behavior.

Later, they accepted the dual behavior of matter and light proposed by de-Broglie.

Table of contents:

Introduction to Planck's quantum theory

What are the postulates of Planck's quantum theory?

Video explanation of Planck's quantum theory?

Different forms of Planck quantum theory?

Mind map of Planck's quantum theory

Overview of Planck's quantum theory

Evidence in support of Planck's quantum theory

Ultraviolet catastrophe-solved by Planck's quantum theory

Applications of Planck's quantum theory

Limitations of Planck's quantum theory

Numerical problems of Planck's quantum theory

Frequently asked questions and answers on Planck's quantum theory

Check your knowledge

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What are the postulates of Planck’s quantum theory?

A body can absorb and emit discontinuously tiny packets of energy.

Each small energy packet is known as a quantum. Uniquely the term photon denotes light energy.

Energy associated with quantum varies directly with the frequency of electromagnetic radiation.

E = nhν


E= Energy of quantum

h= Planck constant

ν= frequency of electromagnetic radiation

n= non-zero positive integer

Alternatively, quantum energy is the integral multiple of the product of Planck's constant and frequency of light radiation.

Hence, a body can accept or release whole number multiples of quantum. For example- an object can give or take 1hν, 2hν, or 3hν, nhν units of energy. 

Energy in fractions of a quantum can neither emitted nor absorbed. For example- an object cannot transmit 1/2hν, 3/2hν, or 5/4hν units of energy.

Video explanation of Planck's quantum theory postulates

Planck quantum theory defines the magnitude of photon energy. Here is an image with three figures.

Planck quantum theory video description.

Figure 1 shows energy interaction as a particle when stuck with a matter. Quantum is the name of an energy cell that exchanges between the bodies.

In figure 2, the oscillatory charged ions intake energy packets which enhance their kinetic energy. Afterward, the body releases excess energy bundles to the surroundings to attain a stable state. The photon transfer between the body and the surrounding occurs intermittently in regular periodic intervals.

Figure 3 shows all the different forms of the Planck quantum formula, which we discussed in the blog post.

In this way, Planck's quantum theory brought a revolutionary change in the classical supposition of radiant energies.

Please click the image to view the video which explains the Planck quantum theory.

Additional reference:

Multiple choice questions with answers on Planck's quantum theory

What is light?

Different forms of Planck’s quantum equation:

Planck’s quantum- frequency equation:

To measure the frequency of a photon, we can use this formula.

E ν

E = hν

It shows the energy of a photon varies directly with its frequency.

So, low-frequency radiations contain low energy. Conversely, high energetic radiations possess high frequencies.

It indicates the frequency of radiation expresses its associated energy.

Planck’s quantum- wavelength equation:

Evidently, we have

ν 1/λ

ν =c/λ


c= velocity of light in vacuum

λ= wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation

The photon energy in terms of wavelength of a light radiation is E = hc/λ

It indicates that the energy of a photon varies inversely with the wavelength of the light radiation.

Radiations with longer wavelengths have lower energies. And shorter wavelength radiations are highly energetic.

With this equation, we can calculate the energy of light radiation from its wavelength data.

Arithmetic depiction of Planck quantum formulas
Planck quantum law mathematical explanation

Planck’s quantum- wavenumber equation:

We know that,

Wavenumber = 1/wavelength

ῡ = 1/λ

The energy of a single photon in terms of its wavenumber is E = hcῡ

E/hc = ῡ


ῡ = wavenumber of the light

It indicates the wavenumber of the light radiations varies directly with its photon energy.

A photon with a higher wavenumber has higher energy. Conversely, lower energy photon has lower wavenumber.

To conclude, Planck's quantum theory helps calculate the photon energies from the known data of wavelength, frequency, or wavenumber of electromagnetic radiation.

Mind map of Planck quantum theory

Mind map of Planck quantum theory.
Mind map of Planck quantum theory

Planck's quantum theory described radiant energy as an energy particle called quantum to solve the ultraviolet catastrophe. It came up with empirical relation to enumerate the energy distribution of blackbody emissions.

The energy particle size is the multiplicative product of Planck's constant and blackbody radiation frequency.

The universal fixed numerical quantity played a crucial role measure the quantum energy precisely.

This mind map discusses the basic principle of Planck quantum theory along with its applications and limitations.

Overview of Planck's quantum theory:

Planck's quantum theory explains the quantum mechanical phenomenon of thermal electromagnetic radiations emitted by black bodies.

It determines the spectral density of black body radiations at a constant temperature when there is no net flow of matter or energy between the black body and its surrounding.

It elucidates the interaction of electrically charged sub-atomic particles with electromagnetic radiations.

Max Planck proposed an imaginary electrically charged oscillating object in the cavity of a rigid body in thermal equilibrium condition.

He determined that the oscillating object emits only tiny energy portions at varying temperature conditions.

He discovered the term "quantum" to denote the minimum amount of energy emitted or absorbed by the oscillator.

The amount of energy less than a quantum is neither emitted nor absorbed.

The black body emits radiations from a small hole in the opaque walls of an enclosure at uniform temperature conditions.

At thermal equilibrium, the radiation released from the cavity of the black body experimentally agreed with the quantum assumptions of Max Planck.

So, the incremental energy changes of the black body emissions showed their spectral intensity from low frequency to higher frequency radiations.

 It corrects the substantial variation of radiant energies as mentioned by classical physics.

Additional reference:

A brief synopsis of blackbody and its radiation

Evidence in support of Planck's quantum theory:

It successfully explained the radiation emissions from the black bodies. And it solved the limitation of the Rayleigh-Jeans law.

Evidence of Planck quantum theory.

Isaac Newton explained the photoelectric effect following the quantum behavior of light predicted by Max Planck.

When light radiation interacts as a wave with the metal surface, it cannot eject the photoelectron. Hence, the photoelectric effect proves the particle nature of the light.

It formed the basis of the dual nature of light explained by de-Broglie in 1923.

Light shows particle character when interacting with matter. And it exhibits wave character during its propagation.

Also, Bohr's atomic model relies on the energy quantization principle to explain the stability of the atom.

And it explained the line spectra of hydrogen atoms based on the discontinuous photon emissions. It confirmed the existence of discrete packets of energy in light radiation.

Based on all these applications of Planck's quantum theory, Max Planck is known as the father of quantum theory.

Additional reference:

What is the difference between a photon and a quantum?

Ultraviolet catastrophe- solved by Planck’s quantum theory:

Gustav Kirchhoff envisioned a hypothetical object capable of absorbing all wavelength radiations that fall on it. And he named it black body.

The black body re-emits all absorbed radiations upon heating. These are black body radiations.

It is an image of an ultraviolet catastrophe.
Ultraviolet catastrophe

Experiments of Rayleigh and Jeans on black bodies ended with the assumption of ultraviolet catastrophe.

Rayleigh-Jeans law showed the variation of light intensity with wavelength at a particular temperature (T).

It suggests the radiated energy per unit frequency varies directly with ν2.

Hence, the radiant energy sum gives an infinite value at higher frequencies. It exhibits a nonphysical spectrum of boundless black body radiant energies that grows continuously in the ultraviolet region. It is known as the ultraviolet catastrophe.

In this way, the theoretical assumption of Rayleigh-Jeans law deviated from practical observations of black body emissions at shorter wavelengths.

To explicit this divergence, Max Planck considered the discrete energy emissions by the black bodies instead of continuous energy discharges.

Hence, Max Planck explained the cause of ultraviolet catastrophe by quantizing the energy of black body radiations.

He expressed the energy of electromagnetic radiation in terms of its frequency at different temperature conditions.

At low temperatures, the black body emits less energetic radiations.

It is an image of a blackbody curve.
Blackbody curve

With the increase in temperature, the black body expels high energetic radiations.

 It indicates the frequency of black body radiations varies directly with the temperature.

As mentioned earlier, the black body cannot lose energy continuously at each temperature.

Instead, it expels discrete amounts of energy at periodic intervals corresponding to the temperature change.

The assumption of erratic energy emissions by the black body solved the heavy energy change in the ultraviolet region as predicted by Rayleigh-Jeans law leading to ultraviolet catastrophe.

It solved the puzzle of black body radiations not explained by classical mechanics.

Rather than a smooth curve, Planck's assumptions gave an inverted U-shaped curve for the intensity of black body radiations. And it matches closely with the experimental results.

The spectral energy of objects rises with temperature initially. It continues to a particular temperature where the intensity of emitted light peaks at maximum.

After attaining the peak value, the energy of the black body drops slowly with an increase in temperature. It is due to the release of more low-energy packets.

It reduces the chances of energy accumulations in the ultraviolet region.

Applications of Planck’s quantum theory:

Planck's quantum theory is the fundamental theory of quantum mechanics.

The semiconductor-based electronic gadgets follow the quantum nature of matter.

Fiber optic telecommunications and laser devices involve the phenomenon of photon interaction with matter.

Atomic clocks fitted in satellites for GPS navigation follow quantum physics.

MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scan works on the quantum nature of light and matter.

Limitations of Planck’s quantum theory:

It described the energy emissions of periodic systems. It does not apply to non-periodic objects.

It is silent about the relative intensities of spectral lines.

It proposed the electron as a spin-less oscillating object. And it did not explain the spin motion of the electron.

Numerical problems on Planck quantum theory:

Question-1: Calculate the energy of a photon at 525 nm.


The wavelength of photon = 525 nm

The formula to measure the energy of photon is

E = 19.878 x 10-26

E = 19.878 x 10-26/525 x 10-9 joules

E = 3.78 x 10-19 joules

Question-2: Find the number of photons of light at 4000 pm having one joule of energy


Energy of photon = 1 J

Wavelength of light radiation = 4000 pm = 4000 x 10-12 m

The formula to calculate the number of photons is E = nhc/λ

n = λE/hc

n = (4000 x 10-12 m) x 1J/19.878 x 10-26 jm

n = 2.0122 x 1016

Question-3: A 242 nm electromagnetic light can ionize a sodium atom. What is the ionization energy of sodium in KJ/mole?


The wavelength of light radiation = 242 nm = 242 x 10-9 m

The formula to measure the ionization energy for one sodium atom is

E = 19.878 x 10-26 / λ

E = 19.878 x 10-26 / 242 x 10-9 joules

E = 0.0821 x 10-17 joules

Ionization energy of one mole of sodium atoms = Ionization energy of one sodium atom x Avogadro’s number

Ionization energy of one mole of sodium atoms = (0.0821 x 10-17) x (6.023 x 1023)

Ionization energy of one mole of sodium atoms =494 KJ/mole

Question-4: A nitrogen laser produces electromagnetic radiation at 337.1 nm and emits 5.6 x 1024 photons. Calculate the energy of the radiation.


Wavelength of electromagnetic radiation = 337.1 nm

Number of photons emitted from nitrogen laser = 5.6 x 1024

The formula to measure the radiation energy is

E = nhc/λ

E = (5.6 x 1024) x (19.878 x 10-26) / 337.1 x 10-9

E = 3.302 x 106 Joules

Question-5: Calculate the photon energy having a frequency of 4.5 x 1012 Hz


The frequency of photon = 4.5 x 1012 Hz

The formula to measure the photon energy is E = hν

E = (6.626 x 10-34) x (4.5 x 1012)

E = 2.98 x 10-21 joules

Question-6: What is the wavelength of light radiation if it has 8 x 1015 Hz frequency?


Frequency of light radiation = 8 x 1015 Hz

The formula to measure the wavelength of photon is

λ = c/ν

λ = 3x 108 / 8 x 1015

λ = 37.5 nm

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If you want to own a copy of the e-book on Planck quantum theory numerical problems, click on the link.

 Frequently asked questions and answers on Planck's quantum theory concept:

Question-1: Who discovered Planck's quantum theory?


In 1900, Max Planck explained the particle nature of light with his theory known as Planck's quantum theory.

It solved the mysteries of black body emissions in the ultraviolet region.

Planck proposed that light consists of discrete packets of energy called quantum.

Planck’s quantum theory explains the interaction of light as a particle with matter.

Question-2: What is Planck's quantum formula?


Planck's quantum formula shows the relationship of a photon with the frequency of light.

E ν

E = hν

According to it, the energy of light radiation varies directly with its frequency.

So, an increase in the frequency of emitted or absorbed light radiation increases its energy. And vice versa.

Question-3: What do you mean by a quantum?


Excluding light, quantum is an energy bundle for all kinds of energy. The packet of light energy is called a photon.

According to Planck's quantum theory, the quantum is the minimum amount of energy emitted or absorbed by the body.

Energy less than a quantum is neither absorbed nor emitted.

Max Planck determined that an oscillating object can accept or release discrete packets of energy.

The energy transfer is not continuous, instead follows a periodic change according to the surrounding energy.

Question-4: How does Planck's quantum theory explain the photoelectric effect?


The photoelectric effect is the process of electron emission from the metal surface when light radiation of minimum frequency incident on it. The required minimum frequency is known as the threshold frequency.

According to Planck's quantum theory, the light energy and frequency varies directly with each other.

Hence, the context of minimum frequency in the photoelectric effect denotes the energy of electromagnetic radiation.

Besides, Planck proposed that an object absorbs or emits definite minimum energy called quantum.

All these together hint at the discrete packets of energy a body transfers with its surrounding. This threshold energy is the principal factor to initiate the photoelectric effect.                                               

Question-5: Why did Planck introduce quantum theory?


Classical physics assumed that the black body emits energy continuously. It leads to the excess release of radiant energy in the ultraviolet region at shorter wavelengths.

It is named ultraviolet catastrophe. This theoretical assumption diverges from the practical observations of black body radiations.

Max Planck put forward his quantum theory to explain the drawbacks of black body emission proposals of classical physics.

Planck elucidated that the black body emits energy discontinuously in small installments known as quantum rather than continuously.

This concept of discrete photon emissions by black body radiations matched closely with the experimental results and corrected the limitations of classical physics.

Check your knowledge:

Fill in the blanks:

Q.1. The quantized energy packet of oscillatory electron is called______________

Q.2. Photon energy varies ____________________with its radiation frequency

Q.3. Excess energy release in the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum is called __________________

Q.4. Light is a propagating wave of light and magnetic fields couple. It was proposed by__________

Q.5. Discontinuous energy emissions of LED bulb are called as________________

Short questions and answers:

1. What is the difference between a quantum and a photon?

2. What is the Planck wavelength equation?

3. Write a single application and limitation of Planck quantum theory.

Fill in the blanks answers:

Q.1. Answer: Quantum

Q.2. Answer: Directly

Q.3. Answer: Ultraviolet catastrophe

Q.4. Answer: James Clerk Maxwell

Q.5. Answer: Photon


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