The Basics of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry: An Overview

 A Brief Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry

Bioinorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical reactions involved in the life processes of living organisms. Initially, it was believed that studying carbon-containing compounds and molecules with carbon-hydrogen bonds would be sufficient to comprehend all life-related chemical reactions. However, it was later discovered that inorganic elements, particularly metal ions, play a crucial role in numerous biological processes. Without the involvement of suitable metal ions, enzyme-catalysed biochemical reactions would proceed at a significantly slower rate. It is where the study of bioinorganic chemistry becomes indispensable. This blog article "A brief introduction to bioinorganic chemistry" explians the definition, classification, and importance of bioinorganic chemistry.

What is bioinorganic chemistry?

Bioinorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on comprehensively studying the structure, occurrence, abundance, and biological significance of inorganic elements in relation to various life processes.

Research has shown that approximately 35-40 inorganic elements play a crucial role in the biological processes of living organisms.

It discusses the applications of bioinorganic chemistry.

Over time, bioinorganic chemistry has evolved into a multidisciplinary field, drawing upon the foundations of medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and crystallography.

Role of bioinorganic elements in biological processes

Bioinorganic elements play a crucial role in supporting the growth and metabolic activities of living organisms, especially in energy production.

Metal ions, acting as catalysts, effectively regulate electron flow in enzyme-catalysed reactions. Consequently, numerous enzymes rely on metal ions for their functionality.

Certain processes have specific requirements for metal ions, where only particular metal ions in specific oxidation states can meet the necessary catalytic or structural criteria. For example- Ca2+ ions are required to maintain the regular beating of the heart.

These bioinorganic elements also serve multiple purposes, including substrate binding and orientation with respect to functional groups in the active site, as well as facilitating redox activity in metals with multiple valence states.

(a) Energy sources for life: (Photosynthetic processes)

We all recognize the importance of energy for sustaining life. Green plants utilize sunlight in the process of photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates, which are subsequently oxidized to release energy. Therefore, two fundamental chemical processes are integral to the chemistry of life.

  1.  The absorption of radiant solar energy enables the production of oxygen and reduced organic compounds (such as glucose) from carbon dioxide and water.
  2. The oxidation of the aforementioned reduced organic substances results in the formation of carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

Living systems can attain thermodynamic equilibrium by burning their reducing sugars with the release of energy.

Metal-containing enzymes are crucial in energy transfer reactions involving oxygen transport to the site of oxidation, and subsequent redox reactions.

Certain living organisms rely solely on simple diffusion for oxygen transport, lacking any specialized oxygen transport system.

However, there are organisms such as certain worms and lower-level life forms that possess oxygen transport mechanisms facilitated by hemoproteins, nonheme iron proteins, and copper-containing proteins.

(b) Energy sources for life: (Non-photosynthetic processes)

Most living organisms depend on photosynthesis to capture solar energy, either directly through green plants or indirectly through saprophytes and animals.

 However, there are a few complex biochemical systems that allow certain organisms to obtain energy through inorganic processes.

Chemolithotrophic bacteria, specifically iron bacteria, generate energy through the oxidation of iron (II) compounds.

In contrast, nitrifying bacteria produce energy by oxidizing either ammonia or nitrite ions.

It shows the chemical reactions of the non-photosynthetic process.

On the other hand, sulfur bacteria derive energy through the oxidation of different forms of sulfur.

The aforementioned sulfur bacteria reaction closely resembles photosynthesis, with the exception that sulfur, rather than chlorophyll, serves as the electron source for the reduction of water to carbohydrate.

Classification of bioinorganic elements according to their action in biological system

Life developed by utilizing chemical elements that are abundant in concentration, while rarely relying on the rare inorganic elements that are scarce on Earth.

The bioinorganic elements, due to their significance in regulating life processes, are classified into two categories: essential elements and trace elements.

Regardless of their importance, it should be recognized that chemical elements present in excessively high or low concentrations within living systems can have toxic effects on life. Depending on their adverse impact on organisms, they can be classified as toxic elements.

Elements that do not contribute positively to regulating the life processes of biological species are categorized as non-essential elements. Al, Ti, and Zr are some examples.

However, determining the precise concentration of elements that are harmful to organisms is challenging, as the chemical properties of these inorganic elements remain constant while biological systems and their requirements vary over time.

What are the essential elements in bioinorganic chemistry?

Essential elements are vital for carrying out life processes in living beings, whether required in large or small quantities.

Life originated relying on elements that were abundant in concentration but became toxic at higher levels, eventually becoming essential elements.

Examples of essential elements include metals like Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium, as well as non-metals like Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Chlorine, and Phosphorus.

Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are major components of our food, present in proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.

Additionally, some elements in our food are needed in quantities greater than 1 mg. These include Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Chlorine. They are referred to as macro nutrients or principle elements, constituting 60-80% of the body's inorganic elements.

Here are the biological functions of some essential elements:

Iodine: It plays a crucial role in many organisms. It is involved in growth regulation, metabolism, and amphibian metamorphosis, primarily through its association with thyroxine.

Copper: It is essential for all organisms. Copper is a component of hemocyanin and redox enzymes, contributing to important biological processes.

Magnesium: Found in all chlorophylls, magnesium serves multiple functions in organisms. It activates enzymes and plays a role in electrochemical processes.

Calcium: Found in all organisms, calcium plays a vital role in various functions. It is involved in blood clotting, contributes to electrochemical processes, and serves as a structural component in bones, cell walls, and shells.

Molybdenum: Despite its lower concentration in marine animals compared to land animals (about 1-2 ppm), molybdenum is an essential trace element. It is required by all organisms except green algae. Molybdenum is utilized in enzymes associated with nitrate reduction and nitrogen fixation.

This chart explains the classification of bioinorganic elements.

What are the trace elements in bioinorganic chemistry?

Trace elements are essential elements that are required in low concentrations, typically ranging from 50 ppb to 1 ppm. However, they can be toxic at higher levels beyond this ultratrace range. Examples of trace elements include Nickel, Arsenic, and Cadmium.

Although the precise biological functions of these elements are not fully defined, they are found to be beneficial for various life processes in organisms.

Here are the biological functions of some trace elements

Nickel: It plays an important role as an active metal in plant ureases and hydrogenases. Deficiency of nickel can lead to impaired liver function and morphology in rats and chicks.

Arsenic: It is beneficial for the health of goats, pigs, rats, and humans. Deficiency of arsenic can result in increased mortality and depressed growth.

Cadmium: The exact biological importance of cadmium is not well understood, but it is present in very low concentrations as an ultratrace element in rats.

Iron is found in heme derivatives, while Zinc is found in enzymes such as carboxypeptidase and carbonic anhydrase. The classification of these elements as trace elements may vary, as determining the essentiality of inorganic substances in living organisms is challenging.

On the other hand, certain elements are considered trace elements even if their specific biological roles are not clearly defined, but they have been found to be useful.

For instance, sea squirts have the ability to concentrate vanadium from sea water by a million-fold, yet its biological function remains elusive.

Techniques like atomic absorption, X-ray fluorescence, atomic fluorescence, and activation analysis are employed to measure the concentration of ultratrace elements, which are typically less than 1 ppm.

Geo-chemical effect on the distribution of metals

The number of elements that play a crucial role in biological processes is significantly smaller compared to the total number of 118 discovered elements.

This is primarily due to their availability based on natural abundance. For example, Molybdenum, despite being the heaviest metal, has a concentration of only 0.0015 g kg-1 in the Earth's crust, while Iodine, the heaviest non-metal, has a concentration of 0.0005 g kg-1. However, both these elements have recognized biological importance.

Similarly, the less abundant elements in the first transition series are found to be more important in enzymes compared to abundant elements like Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), and Phosphorus (P).

Table-1: Comparison of concentration of bioinorganic elements
Name of macronutrient elements Concentration in g/Kg on earth crust
Na 24
Mg 20
K 24
Ca 42
Name of first transition series elements Concentration in g/Kg on earth crust
Sc 0.22
V 0.135
Cr 0.1
Mn 0.95

Therefore, two factors that assist in determining the suitability of an element for a specific biological function are its natural abundance and its chemical interaction with biological systems.

For instance, elements such as Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Mercury (Hg) are considered toxic due to their low natural abundance, which makes them rarely available in living systems.

On the other hand, abundant elements like Aluminium (Al), Titanium (Ti), and Zirconium (Zr) are deemed non-essential because they tend to form insoluble oxides at biologically relevant pH levels.

Importance of bioinorganic chemistry


1. Studying the role of inorganic elements in biological processes allows us to identify the specific metal ions responsible for particular biological activities and understand their adverse effects in cases of deficiency or excessive intake.

For instance, sodium is predominantly present as Na+ in extracellular fluids. Sodium deficiency leads to muscle cramps, while excessive sodium intake can result in high blood pressure.

Despite the complexity of biochemical molecules, techniques such as Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy aid in studying metal ions within living systems.


2. Inorganic elements are integral components of metalloenzymes, metalloproteins, vitamins, hormones, and nucleic acids. Studying the inorganic substances such as metal ions and coordination compounds essential for the survival of organisms provides insights into their intricate mechanisms.

This is because many enzymes and metabolites are metal complexes, functioning primarily as metal complexes in the majority of cases.


3. Bioinorganic chemistry is of utmost importance in medical chemistry as it aids in the discovery of life-saving drugs.

By studying bioinorganic chemistry, researchers can uncover potential treatments for life-threatening diseases, as a significant number of medications rely on inorganic molecules.

For instance, inorganic molecules are employed in the development of drugs for conditions such as cancer, pernicious anemia, and Alzheimer's disease.

FAQs on bioinorganic chemistry introduction

1. Write some examples of bioinorganic chemistry?

Bioinorganic chemistry exemplifies itself through various biological processes that involve complex metal ions.

One notable example is the transamination process, which entails the exchange of functional groups and relies on the pyridoxal (Fe2+/Cu2+ complex) coenzyme.

Additionally, the functioning of chlorophyll in photosynthesis heavily depends on the Mg2+ complex.

Similarly, in storage and transfer reactions, such as those involving hemoglobin, the Fe complex is utilized.

2. What are essential and trace elements in biological processes?

Essential elements play a crucial role in the biological processes of living organisms and are categorized as macronutrients and micronutrients based on their required quantities. 

Macronutrients are inorganic elements that are needed in larger amounts by the human body to support various biological processes. For example, calcium serves as a major structural component in bones and cell walls, with concentrations ranging from 1000-1100 grams depending on body weight. 

On the other hand, micronutrients are required in smaller quantities to fulfill specific biological functions. Copper, for instance, is a constituent of hemocyanin and redox enzymes and is present in the human body at an approximate concentration of 0.11 grams.

In contrast, trace elements are essential for biological processes, but their precise biological functions are not fully understood due to the complexity of biomolecules. 

However, their deficiency can have severe consequences for organisms. Examples of trace elements include boron, arsenic, nickel, and tin.

3. What are the non-essential elements in bioinorganic chemistry?

It is worth noting that out of the 119 chemical elements discovered thus far, not all of them have been found to play a vital role in regulating biological processes. 

Inorganic elements that are deemed non-essential to living organisms, meaning they are not required for normal physiological functions, and do not cause harm to the living world even at moderate concentrations, are referred to as non-essential elements. 

Examples of non-essential elements include aluminium, barium, strontium, and zirconium. These elements may be present in the environment or biological systems but are not necessary for sustaining life or carrying out essential biological functions.

Know your understanding

1. Which metal ion is necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

  1. Ca2+
  2. Co2+
  3. Mn3+
  4. Mg2+

Answer: Mg2+

2. Which of the following is an example of non-essential element?

  1. Zn
  2. Zr
  3. S
  4. Cl

Answer: Zr

3. Which technique is employed to quantify the concentration of an element below 1 ppm?

  1. Spin magnetic spectroscopy
  2. Titrimetric analysis
  3. X-ray fluorescence
  4. Precipitation reactions

Answer: X-ray fluorescence

4. Which of the following element is a macronutrient?

  1. Arsenic
  2. Lead
  3. Potassium
  4. Selenium

Answer: Potassium

5. Which of the following functions are performed by the metal ion?

  1. Transportation of Oxygen
  2. Participate in enzyme-catalysed reactions
  3. Engage in growth and metabolic activitites
  4. All the above

Answer: All the above