Multiple choice questions on hydrogen spectrum-chemistry learners

 MCQ with answers on hydrogen spectrum

1. The essential condition to be maintained in the discharge tube to get the hydrogen spectrum is;

(a) Low temperature, high pressure

(b) High temperature, low pressure

(c) High temperature, high pressure

(d) Low temperature, low pressure

Answer: High temperature, low pressure

Explanation: Low-pressure condition in the discharge tube favors the free movement of gas molecules from cathode to anode. It facilitates the flow of electric current through the circuit.

Similarly, high temperature enhances the kinetic energy of gas molecules. It enhances the number of collisions between gas molecules that speed the ionization of gas molecules in the discharge tube.

It shows the detailed experimental setup to obtain the hydrogen absorption spectrum.
Absorption spectrum of hydrogen

2. What kind of energy is used in the discharge tube to generate the hydrogen spectrum?

(a) Light energy

(b) Mechanical energy

(c) Electrical energy

(d) Kinetic energy

Answer: Electrical energy


A discharge tube is a device used to study the conduction of electric current through the gases under low-pressure conditions with the emission of light energy.

It is a glass tube with fitted oppositely charged electrodes at its ends.

Applying voltage to the two electrodes at low-pressure conditions allows the electric current to pass through the gas molecules and causes gas ionization.

The ionized gas molecules' transition proceeds with the release of photons of suitable frequencies.

The emitted spectral energies are specific to individual atoms.

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3. What is the color of light emitted by the hydrogen gas in the discharge tube?

(a) Red color

(b) Blue color

(c) Yellow color

(d) Violet color

Answer: Red color


In the hydrogen spectrum, the electron movement from n=2 to n=3 is the most intense transition with the emission of red light at 656 nm.

So, the ionized hydrogen gas glows red in the discharge tube.

4. What is the wavelength of the emitted red light by the hydrogen gas in the discharge tube?

(a) 450 nm

(b) 656 nm

(c) 720 nm

(d) 446 nm

Answer: 656 nm


The hydrogen gas in the discharge tube glows red, indicating spectral emissions of electron transitions.

The bright red colored spectral line is the intense spectral emission of the hydrogen emission spectrum due to its abundance.

 While jumping from the second main energy level to the third energy orbit, the hydrogen electron gives off a characteristic red-colored spectral emission line at 656 nm.

5. Hydrogen spectrum is an example of-------------

(a) Line spectrum

(b) Continuous spectrum

(c) Molecular spectrum

(d) Solar spectrum

Answer: Line spectrum


The hydrogen spectrum is an example of a line emission spectrum.

It has a discontinuous series of sharp lines separated by dark bands. Hence, it is called the line spectrum.

These individually distinct spectral lines relate to the sporadic photon emissions by the energy quantization principle mentioned by Bohr.

6. The instrument used to record the spectrum is known as-------------

(a) Spectrometer

(b) Spectroscope

(c) Spectral analyzer

(d) Photographic plate

Answer: Spectroscope


A spectroscope is a device used to record the spectrum.

It separates and measures the components of electromagnetic radiation.

7. Who discovered the spectrometer?

(a) Robert Bunsen and Kirchhoff

(b) Rutherford

(c) Isaac Newton

(d) Fraunhofer

Answer: Robert Bunsen and Kirchhoff


In 1859, Robert Bunsen and Kirchhoff developed the spectrometer.

The spectrometer is a device that maps and photographs the spectrum.

8. Who discovered the word “spectrum” first?

(a) Robert Bunsen

(b) Rutherford

(c) Isaac Newton

(d) Fraunhofer

Answer: Isaac Newton


Newton conducted experiments on optics from 1666 to 1672.

After that, he clarified the prism could split the white light into colored components.

And he named those colored emissions as "spectrum."

Newton's prism experiments played a pivotal role in the discovery of spectroscopy.

9. What is the color of light emitted by the sodium metal on the photographic plate?

(a) Red color

(b) Blue color

(c) Yellow color

(d) Violet color

Answer: Yellow color


Vaporizing a sodium crystal in a Bunsen flame emits bright light.

Passing the emitted sodium light through the prism and allowing it to fall on the photographic plate generates a sodium emission spectrum.

It shows two yellow spectral lines at 5890 A0 and 5896 A0 separated by a dark space.

10. Who invented the solar spectrum?

(a) Alfred Fowler

(b) Theodore Lyman

(c) Isaac Newton

(d) Gustav Kirchhoff

Answer: Isaac Newton


In 1666, Isaac Newton predicted that white light is a mixture of seven colored radiations of sun ray.

He proved it by passing white light through the prism. He obtained a continuous rainbow of sunlight that he named spectrum.

11. VIBGYOR is an example of -----------------spectrum

(a) Discontinuous spectrum

(b) Line spectrum

(c) Atomic spectrum

(d) Continuous spectrum

Answer: Continuous spectrum


When sunlight passes through the prism shows a series of seven-colored diffused bands called the solar spectrum.

It is an example of a continuous emission spectrum.

The seven colors observed are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and, Red, called VIBGYOR.

12. Which color is not present in the VIBGYOR spectrum?

(a) Blue

(b) Yellow

(c) Indigo

(d) Brown

Answer: Brown


The seven colored components of sunlight are known as VIBGYOR.

They are;








13. VIBGYOR represents -----------------------spectrum

(a) Hydrogen spectrum

(b) Sodium spectrum

(c) Solar spectrum

(d) Neon spectrum

Answer: Solar spectrum


The sunlight is a polychromatic light consisting of seven different colored radiations having different energies.

When the sunlight passes through the prism, the seven colored radiations split based on their wavelength.

As a result, we get a continuous solar spectrum.

14. Each spectral line corresponds to a particular---------------------in the hydrogen spectrum.

(a) Angular momentum

(b) Acceleration

(c) Wavelength

(d) Angular velocity

Answer: Wavelength


Each spectral line in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to a particular wavelength depending upon the energy of absorbed photon.

15. How many types of hydrogen spectrum are there?

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 5

(d) ∞

Answer: 2


There are two kinds of hydrogen spectrum.

a) Hydrogen absorption spectrum

b) Hydrogen emission spectrum

16. The most intense transition of the hydrogen spectrum occurs in between -------------

(a) n=3 to n=4

(b) n=4 to n=5

(c) n=3 to n=2

(d) n=1 to n=2

Answer: n=3 to n=2


The hydrogen electron transition between the second and third stationary orbits gives the most intense spectral emission line in the hydrogen spectrum.

It is a bright red-colored hydrogen spectral line at 656.5 nm in the emission spectrum of hydrogen.

It is intense as more hydrogen electrons transition between n=2 to n=3 states at suitable temperature conditions.

17. The blue color of the street light is due to the presence of ------------------metal

(a) Neon

(b) Mercury

(c) Copper

(d) Sodium

Answer: Mercury


The electric discharge of street lights excites the mercury electron to higher transition states.

The mercury electron returns to its original position with the emission of light radiation below 500 nm giving a blue-colored spectral line.

Hence, the electron transitions of the mercury atom give an intense blue-colored spectral line in the emission spectrum.

18. What kind of energy is analyzed when recording the atomic spectrum?

(a) Electrical energy

(b) Potential energy

(c) Light energy

(d) Rotational energy

Answer: Light energy


When an atom absorbs external energy undergoes electron transition with the emission of light at definite frequencies.

The spectroscopic equipment records the emitted photons to analyze the frequency or wavelengths. It measures the radiated light energies.

19. The atomic spectra of chemical elements remain------------------

(a) Same for all elements of the periodic table

(b) Same for elements of a specific period

(c) Same for elements belonging to a single group

(d) Different for individual elements

Answer: Different for individual elements


The atomic spectrum of each chemical element is specific to it.

The atomic spectrum is a characteristic property of an element in spectroscopic studies.

Hence, it serves as a fingerprint in identifying the chemical components of a substance.

20. The atomic absorption spectrum shows--------------

(a) Dark lines separated with white space

(b) White lines separated by dark lines

(c) Dark lines separated by red lines

(d) Red lines separated by black lines

Answer: Dark lines separated by white space


Consider a sample of hydrogen gas in the glass discharge tube.

A white light passes through the vapors or solution of the hydrogen gas in the discharge tube.

And the transmitted light then passes through the spectroscope giving a spectrum of dark lines at definite wavelengths.

These dark lines correspond to the wavelengths of light radiations absorbed by the hydrogen atoms.

Hence, we observe dark lines in the hydrogen absorption spectrum on continuous white background.

21. Which element spectral lines mimic hydrogen?

(a) Lithium

(b) Sodium

(c) Helium

(d) Iron

Answer: Helium


In 1896, E.C. Pickering uncovered ionized helium emission lines in the hot star zeta puppies. He misinterpreted them as hydrogen emission lines under unknown temperature and pressure conditions. And he attributed his observation to a new form of hydrogen by considering the half-integer transition levels.

In 1912, Fowler obtained the spectrum of cosmic hydrogen by experiments with vacuum tubes containing a mixture of hydrogen and helium.

And the series of three lines from even n-states to principal quantum number n=4 of singly ionized helium was mistakenly interpreted as hydrogen lines. And it was named as Pickering–Fowler series.

Later, Neil Bohr proved the trilogy Pickering series arose from ionized helium but not from hydrogen.

22. Hydrogen spectrum is an example of

(a) Continuous spectrum

(b) Discontinuous spectrum

(c) Gaseous spectrum

(d) Molecular spectrum

Answer: Discontinuous spectrum


The hydrogen spectrum is a discontinuous spectrum corresponding to the erratic photons emissions.

The hydrogen emission spectrum consists of sharp lines series separated by dark bands.

These individually distinct spectral lines relate to the sporadic photon emissions by the quantization of energy mentioned by Bohr.

 23. The instrument used to split the polychromatic light into monochromatic radiations is --------------

(a) Photographic plate

(b) Detector film

(c) Prism

(d) Spectral analyzer

Answer: Prism


When polychromatic light passes through the prism shows its components based on their wavelengths.

The prism separates the constituents of light depending upon their wavelengths. And the orderly arrangement of the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is called a spectrum.

24. The hydrogen spectrum does not occur in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum

(a) Visible region

(b) Ultraviolet region

(c) Microwave region

(d) Infrared region

Answer: Microwave region


The spectrum contains a set of lines in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions.

And the wavelength of lines obtained below 400 nm falls in the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Similarly, wavelengths of lines obtained above 700 nm are in the infrared zone.

The spectral lines in the visible region have wavelengths between 400-700 nm.

25. What is the maximum number of spectral lines obtained when an excited electron drops from n=5 to the ground state of the hydrogen atom?

(a) 15

(b) 10

(c) 5

(d) 1

Answer: 10


The formula to measure the maximum number of spectral lines in a spectrum is;

It is the formula to measure the number of spectral lines in the spectrum.
Formula to measure number of spectral lines in the spectrum

The number of spectral lines for electron transition from n=5 is 10.


Kindly refer to our following articles for more information

(a) What are the six series of the hydrogen spectrum?

(b) What is the hydrogen emission spectrum?