Chemical reactions & equations

Chemical reactions and equations- 10th CBSE- Physical science  

The chapter on chemical reactions and equations seeks to familiarize students with the various chemical transformations that occur in the natural world. These reactions include diverse phenomena such as food digestion, photosynthesis, or the rusting of iron. Understanding these chemical processes occurring in their surroundings sparks curiosity about chemistry, prompting students to delve into the intricacies ( complexities) of balanced chemical equations that depict them.

This image covers "Chemical Reactions & Equations" for CBSE Class 10.

What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction refers to a transformation in which reactants combine under specific conditions of temperature and pressure, with or without the presence of catalysts, resulting in the creation of products.

During a chemical reaction, the bonds between the reactant molecules are disrupted, leading to the formation of new bonds within the resulting product molecule.

When a chemical reaction takes place, several noticeable changes occur:

  1. Alteration in the physical state of the chemical compounds involved
  2.  Modification in the color of the substances participating in the reaction
  3.  Release of gases or residues
  4.  Variation in temperature throughout the reaction process.

Examples of common chemical reactions encountered in daily life include the conversion of milk into curd, the fermentation of grapes, the ionization of common salt, and the preparation of crispy/spongy recipes using baking soda, among others.

Important question & answers on chemical reaction?

1. What is a chemical reaction? Describe one activity each to show that a chemical change has occurred in which (i) change of color and (ii) change in temperature has taken place

[2024, AISSE] 


A chemical reaction expresses the chemical change occurring as one or more reactants transform into products with new properties.

When the gray-white colored magnesium ribbon burns in air, it imparts a characteristic dazzling white color to the flame along with the formation of white powder of Magnesium oxide.

2Mg (s) + O2 (g) --------- 2 MgO (s)

                                                    Magnesium oxide

The reaction of magnesium with atmospheric oxygen to form magnesium oxide is exothermic, releasing a significant amount of heat energy and emitting a dazzling white light. Consequently, this chemical reaction involves a temperature change during the process of chemical transformation.

What is a chemical equation?

A chemical equation serves as a concise representation of a genuine chemical reaction through the utilization of symbols and formulas.

Essential components of a chemical equation:

  1. All reactants and products involved in the chemical reaction are expressed using symbols and formulas.
  2. It must accurately depict a chemical reaction that can be conducted in a laboratory setting.
  3. The equation must be balanced, ensuring that the number of atoms of each element is equivalent on both sides of the equation.

Information conveyed by a chemical equation:

  • It identifies the reactants participating in the chemical reaction and the resultant products formed after the chemical transformation.
  • The equation specifies the quantity of molecules of the reactants required and those of the products generated.


This activity aims to observe the chemical change that occurs when a clean Magnesium ribbon undergoes combustion in the air.


  1. Begin by cleaning a 4-5 cm long magnesium ribbon using sandpaper.
  2. Ignite the Bunsen burner or spirit lamp.
  3. Using a pair of tongs, hold the Magnesium ribbon over the flame of the burner to initiate burning.
  4. Carefully collect the resulting white ash on a watch glass.


The Magnesium ribbon burns with a brilliant white flame, a distinctive characteristic confirming Magnesium in the flame test. 

Additionally, the grey-white colored Magnesium ribbon transforms into white powder upon heating.

Chemical reaction:

Magnesium + Oxygen → Magnesium oxide

2Mg + O2 2 MgO

Grey-white        White powder


When heated in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, Magnesium undergoes a reaction to form magnesium oxide. 

This process involves oxidation, wherein Magnesium gains oxygen.

Important questions and answers on Activity-1.1:

1. Why is it necessary to clean a Magnesium ribbon before burning it in air?


Magnesium is a highly reactive metal that forms a protective layer of Magnesium oxide when exposed to atmospheric oxygen, which prevents further reaction. To ensure complete burning and avoid interference from the protective layer, the Magnesium ribbon must be cleaned by removing the magnesium oxide layer with sandpaper before burning.

2. What occurs when a Magnesium ribbon burns in air?


Burning a Magnesium ribbon in air produces a dazzling white flame and results in the formation of white powder, which is Magnesium oxide.

3. Provide a balanced chemical equation for the burning of Magnesium in air and explain.


The combustion of Magnesium in air involves an oxidation reaction with atmospheric oxygen, leading to the formation of Magnesium oxide, represented as a white-colored ash.

2Mg + O2 2 MgO

                         Magnesium oxide

4. Which type of change occurs when magnesium metal reacts with oxygen?


When magnesium undergoes a reaction with oxygen, it initiates a chemical change that leads to alterations in the physical state and color of the chemical compounds formed, accompanied by a change in temperature.

5. What kind of reaction occurs during the formation of magnesium oxide?


A chemical combination reaction occurs between magnesium and oxygen, leading to the formation of magnesium oxide. Furthermore, as magnesium metal acquires oxygen while burning in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the reaction is also referred to as an oxidation reaction.

6. Despite the fact that the burning of magnesium requires an initial input of heat energy, it is still classified as an exothermic reaction. Explain



This is due to the significant release of heat and light that occurs during the chemical combination reaction of Mg & O2. Although a small amount of heat is absorbed to initiate the burning of magnesium with atmospheric oxygen, the quantity of heat absorbed is minimal as compared to the substantial heat released during the chemical transformation. Therefore, despite the initial heat absorption, the overall process is exothermic.


This activity is designed to explore the chemical reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide solutions under room temperature conditions.


Dissolve 1 g of white lead nitrate solid in 3-4 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube to prepare its solution. The resulting Pb(NO₃)₂ solution remains white.

Similarly, dissolve 1 g of white potassium iodide in 3-4 ml of distilled water in another test tube to prepare its solution. The resulting KI solution is colorless.

Combine both solutions in a 50 ml clean glass beaker and stir for a minute to ensure thorough mixing.

Yellow-colored crystalline solid will be observed floating in the solution.

Filter the contents of the beaker to separate them.


The appearance of a yellow-colored solid confirms the formation of PbI₂.

Chemical reaction:

Lead nitrate + Potassium iodide → Lead iodide + Potassium nitrate

Pb(NO₃)₂ + 2KI PbI₂ + 2KNO3

White                                Yellow        



The reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide is a double displacement reaction, resulting in the formation of potassium nitrate and lead iodide.

KNO₃ is a white-gray solid that dissolves in water, rendering it water-soluble and appearing as a colorless liquid in the beaker.

 However, PbI₂, being water-insoluble, appears as a yellow crystalline salt in the beaker. 

Since lead iodide precipitates during the reaction, it is also categorized as a precipitation reaction.

Important questions and answers on Activity-1.2:

1. Write a balanced chemical equation for the following word equation:

Lead nitrate + Potassium iodide → Lead iodide + Potassium nitrate

                                                                                                                             [2024, AISSE]


Step-1: Formulating the formulas of the compounds engaged in the balanced chemical equation.

Lead nitrate + Potassium iodide Lead iodide + Potassium nitrate

Pb (NO3)2 + KI PbI2 + KNO3

Step-2: Equalizing the count of oxygen atoms on both sides of the reaction.

Pb (NO3)2 + KI PbI2 + 2KNO3

Step-3: Adjusting the number of iodine atoms present on each side of the reaction.

Pb (NO3)2 +2KI PbI2 + 2KNO3

Step-4: Scrutinizing the chemical equation to ensure the proper balance of every compound's atoms on both sides.

Step-5: Notating the symbols denoting the physical states of the compounds participating in the chemical reaction.

Pb (NO3)2 (aq) +2KI (aq) PbI2 (s) + 2KNO3 (aq)

(a) Is this a double displacement reaction? Justify your answer.


(a) Yes, it is a double displacement reaction because both K⁺ and Pb²⁺ cations exchange their anions (NO₃⁻ and I⁻) during the reaction.

(b) Name the compound precipitated and write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved.


The resulting precipitate is lead iodide (PbI₂).

During the reaction, lead nitrate breaks down into Pb²⁺ and NO₃⁻ ions upon dissolution in water.

Pb(NO₃)₂ + H₂O → Pb²⁺ + 2NO₃⁻

Similarly, KI dissociates to release K⁺ and I⁻ ions.

KI + H₂O → K⁺ + I⁻

Subsequently, one Pb²⁺ ion combines with two iodide ions, leading to the formation of solid PbI₂.

Pb²⁺ + 2I⁻ → PbI₂


This activity focuses on the reaction between metals and acids.


Place 2g of silvery grey zinc granules into a 250 ml conical flask.

Add 5 mL of dilute sulphuric acid to the flask.

Immediately seal the mouth of the conical flask with a rubber cork containing a single hole.

Insert a glass tube into the hole of the rubber cork to collect the released gas without any loss.

Gently shake the conical flask to ensure thorough mixing of the added chemical compounds.


Following the reaction, a colorless zinc sulphate solution forms, accompanied by the release of hydrogen gas. We can verify the presence of hydrogen gas using a burning candle. Placing a burning candle at the mouth of the glass tube, hydrogen gas burns with a pop-up sound. 

Similarly, the chemical reaction between zinc granules and dilute hydrochloric acid results in the formation of zinc chloride, accompanied by the release of hydrogen gas. 

Therefore, this activity serves to confirm that the reaction of any metal with acids involves the formation of the corresponding metal salt along with the release of hydrogen gas.

Chemical reaction:

Zinc + dil. Sulphuric acid ---------------→ Zinc sulphate + hydrogen

Zn (s) + H2SO4 (aq)  ----------------→  ZnSO4 (aq) + H2(g) ↑

Zinc + dil. Hydrochloric acid ---------------→ Zinc chloride + hydrogen

Zn (s) + 2 HCl (aq)  ----------------→  ZnCl2 (aq) + H2(g) ↑ 

Important question and answers on activity-1.3:

1. Can metals less reactive than hydrogen displace it from acids?



According to the displacement reaction, metals with higher reactivity can displace metals with lower reactivity from their salt solutions.

Therefore, metals such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which are more reactive than hydrogen in the reactivity series, can react with acids and water by displacing hydrogen from them.

However, metals that are below hydrogen in the reactivity series, such as copper, silver, gold, and platinum, cannot displace hydrogen from acids and water. Consequently, these metals do not react with acids.

2. Some metal react with acids to produce salt and hydrogen gas. Illustrate it with an example. How will test the presence of this gas?

[2024, AISSE]


Metals more reactive than hydrogen undergo reactions with acids, yielding the respective metal salt and hydrogen gas.

For instance, when zinc reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, zinc chloride and hydrogen gas are produced. This reaction involves the liberation of hydrogen gas.

Zinc + dil. Hydrochloric acid ---------------→ Zinc chloride + hydrogen

Zn (s) + 2 HCl (aq)  ----------------→  ZnCl(aq) + H2(g) ↑ 

To confirm the presence of hydrogen gas, we employ a burning candle. When a burning candle is brought close to the hydrogen gas, it burns with a distinctive popping sound.


This activity demonstrates the production of slaked lime through the reaction of calcium oxide with water.


Place a small quantity of calcium oxide in a glass beaker.

Slowly add water to the calcium oxide.

After a few minutes, observe the beaker becoming warm, indicating the formation of Ca (OH)2.


Upon adding a small amount of water to the white calcium oxide solid, it reacts vigorously, producing a white calcium hydroxide solution.

The reaction is exothermic proceeds with the release of heat.

Chemical reaction:

Calcium oxide + water  -----------------  Calcium hydroxide + heat

CaO (s) + H2O (l)  ---------------- Ca(OH)2 (aq) + heat


When quicklime (CaO) reacts with water, it undergoes a process resulting in the formation of calcium hydroxide, known as slaked lime. 

This reaction releases heat, indicating its exothermic nature. Furthermore, since calcium hydroxide is the sole product formed from the combination of calcium oxide and water, the reaction is classified as a combination reaction.

Important question and answers on activity-1.4:

1. A solution of a substance ‘X’ is used for whitewashing.

(i) Name the substance ‘X’ and write its formula


The substance used for whitewashing is quick lime and its chemical formula is CaO.

(ii) Write the reaction of the substance ‘X’ named in (i) above with water


CaO (s) + H2O (l) -------------- Ca(OH)2 (aq) + heat

Quick lime                                     Lime water

Ca(OH)2 is also known as lime water as it is formed from lime (CaO) and water

2. A clear solution of slaked lime is made by dissolving Ca(OH)2 in excess of water. If this solution is left exposed to air the solution slowly goes milky. Why a faint white precipitate is formed? Support your answer with the help of chemical equation.


When a solution of calcium hydroxide is left exposed to air, it interacts with the carbon dioxide present in the air, resulting in the formation of calcium carbonate. This reaction causes the solution's color to change to milky. The faint white precipitate formed is calcium carbonate, which settles down as it is insoluble in water.

Ca (OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g)  ------------ CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)

3. What happens when excess carbon dioxide is passed through the lime water?


Lime water reacts with atmospheric carbon dioxide and moisture, leading to the formation of calcium bicarbonate. This compound is colorless and soluble in water, hence it remains in the form of an aqueous solution.

Ca (OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g)  ------------ CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)

CaCO3 (s) + CO2 (g)  + H2O (l)  -----------------→ Ca(HCO3)(aq)

4. Describe why calcium carbonate is employed in whitewashing and write any one of its application other than whitewashing


Calcium carbonate is utilized in whitewashing due to its ability to create a bright, glossy, and durable coating on walls.

Apart from whitewashing, it serves as an antacid.

It is also employed to raise calcium levels in the body.

5. Write the method of preparation of calcium hydroxide. What happens when carbon dioxide is passed through it? Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved.

[2024, AISSE]


Calcium hydroxide is prepared from lime and water.

CaO (s) + H2O (l) -------------- Ca(OH)2 (aq) + heat

When carbon dioxide gas is passed through it, it gives lime stone (CaCO3)

Ca (OH)2 (aq) + CO(g)  ------------ CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)

Activity 1.5:

It entails noting the chemical alterations observed when heating ferrous sulfate crystals.


Place approximately 2 grams of ferrous sulfate crystals into a dry boiling tube.

Upon heating, the green hue of the ferrous sulfate crystals transforms to brown.

Additionally, a distinctive odor of burning sulfur becomes noticeable.


Upon heating, the green ferrous sulfate crystals lose their water content and transform into a white substance, a phenomenon known as dehydration or water of crystallization.

Upon further heating, the FeSO4 molecules decompose, forming a brown-colored solid mass of ferric oxide along with the release of sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide gases.

The distinct smell of burning sulfur observed during the heating of ferrous sulfate crystals is primarily due to the release of sulfur dioxide gas.

Chemical reaction:


Ferrous sulphate ---------------------→ Ferric oxide + Sulphur dioxide + Sulphur trioxide


2FeSO4 (s) ----------------→ Fe2O3 (s) + SO2 (g) + SO3 (g)

Green                                    Brown


The breakdown of ferrous sulfate into ferric oxide, sulfur dioxide, and sulfur trioxide represents a chemical decomposition reaction.

Ferric oxide forms a solid product, while sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide are produced as gases.

Decomposition reactions typically involve the absorption of energy, and this particular reaction, known as thermal decomposition.

Because the formation of products occurs with the absorption of heat energy, it is classified as an endothermic reaction.

Important question and answers on activity 1.5:

1. What is the color of ferrous sulphate crystals? How does this color changes after heating?


When subjected to heat, the green-colored ferrous sulfate crystals undergo a change where they lose the water molecules incorporated in their structure, transforming into a white solid. This process is commonly referred to as dehydration or water of crystallization.


FeSO4, 7H2O --------------→ FeSO4 + 7H2O

Green                                    White


2. Write one equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is supplied in the form of heat, light or electricity


Decomposition reactions occur with the absorption of various types of energy such as electricity, light, or heat. 

When electricity is the energy source involved in a decomposition reaction, it's referred to as electrolytic decomposition. Likewise, thermal and photolytic decomposition reactions involve the absorption of heat and light energies, respectively.

                    Electric current

2H2O (l) ------------------------→ 2H2 (g) + O2 (g)                 [Electrolytic decomposition]


2Cu (NO3)2 (s) -------------→ 2CuO (s) + 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g)     [Thermal decomposition]

                     Sun light

2AgCl (s) ------------------→ 2Ag (s) + Cl2 (g)    [Photolytic decomposition]