Blackbody radiation-MCQs & answers-Jayam chemistry learners

 Multiple choice questions and answers on blackbody and its radiation

The world around us possesses a lot of mysteries that need thorough conceptualization to uncover and utilize for scientific inventions. Scientists always quest to track those puzzles and invent new scientific theories that simplify our life.

It shows blackbody radiations inside the rigid enclosure.

It was unbelievable that a physicist's speculation on the ideal thermal emitter inaugurated a new era as quantum physics. It is nothing but blackbody-a unique material with giant absorbing and emissive capabilities of thermal radiation. This blog post discusses the multiple choice questions and answers of blackbody and its radiation.

Table of contents:

Define blackbody & its radiation

Multiple choice questions and answers on blackbody radiation

True or false questions on blackbody & its radiation

Reasoning questions on blackbody & its radiation

Video description of blackbody and its radiation

PPT notes of blackbody and its radiation

Difference between blackbody and gray body

Match the following table on blackbody & its radiation

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Download an e-book on blackbody & its radiation from our store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

Define blackbody & its radiation:

A blackbody is an empty solid space with a rigid opaque surface and a pinhole to emit thermal electromagnetic radiation that acts as a reference to calculate the emissive powers of existent earthly objects.

It is an infographic on blackbody and its radiation.

Its opaque surface peculiarly sucks up all incident light irrespective of their frequencies at a constant temperature. As a result, the assessed value of the absorbing ability of a perfect blackbody is always one. Yet an ideal blackbody is a hypothetical object with no practical existence. So, a material whose absorbing capacity lies above 0.95 is called a partial blackbody. Another common name for the partial blackbody is the grey body. Lamp black, Platinum black, and Graphite are partial blackbodies for laboratory purposes. This endless partial blackbodies list included all the universal objects that emit thermal electromagnetic radiation, such as the sun, earth, stars, the human body, planets, galaxies, and so on.

Even though the solar spectrum resembles blackbody curves at longer radiation wavelengths, the sun is not a perfect blackbody because at shorter radiation wavelengths solar spectrum deviates from blackbody curves mostly. It confirms to us once again that blackbody is an imaginary presumed material of the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.

Next, the most crucial phrase of the blackbody topic is blackbody radiation. Blackbody radiation is heat-assimilated electromagnetic light radiation. Hotter objects emit this thermal electromagnetic radiation at constant temperature conditions. Besides, they are uniform in all directions. Hence the blackbody radiations are homogeneous and isotropic.

For example, the infrared radiation expelled from the human body at room temperature is also blackbody radiation. The human body temperature varies approximately between 30-35 degrees Celsius. And the room temperature is also the same. It means a dynamic thermodynamic equilibrium state establishes between the human body and its surrounding. Hence, following Wien's displacement law, the emitted thermal radiation from the hot human body lies in the infrared region.

(For a better view, click the image)

Similarly, examples of blackbody radiations include sunlight, and electromagnetic radiations emitted from planets, stars, galaxies, and even from earth.

A perfect blackbody expels thermal radiation only on heating. When the blackbody is in a normal state (i.e., not heated), it absorbs electromagnetic light. Hence, a cold object whose absorbing capabilities lie above 0.95 emits blackbody radiation only when heated above 0 Kelvin. When they are cool, they can absorb electromagnetic radiations that fall on their surface, yet they cannot release thermal radiation. And they are known as grey bodies.

For example, black spots on a polished silver vessel act as blackbodies only on heating. And the smooth silver surface is a white body that predominantly reflects the light radiation that falls on its surface. So, on heating, it cannot act as an ideal radiation emitter like black spots.

A white body is opposite to a black body. It is a good reflector of light. And it absorbs a small fraction of incident light that falls on its surface. So, it is a poor emitter of electromagnetic radiation on heating. Here we are not discussing the color of objects that affect their emissive powers. Instead, the absorbing capabilities of materials at fixed temperature conditions directly influence the object's emissive powers. Obviously, the color of a substance symbolizes its absorbing power but all black material are not partial blackbodies either. The black color surface denotes that it absorbs all colored radiations of the visible region but not the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Hence, it is not a perfect absorber. Similarly, a white surface reflects all colored light radiations, and a white body is a poor absorber of light radiations.

The quantity of heat energy supplied to the blackbody enclosure directly influences the blackbody emissions radiant energies. When heating a blackbody chamber to a high temperature gives high-frequency radiations and vice versa. Hence, the released blackbody radiation is affected only by the enclosure's temperature. Max Planck pointed out this directly proportional relationship between blackbody radiation frequencies and the magnitude of heat absorbed by the blackbody enclosure and developed a mathematical formula by inserting a fixed physical quantity named Planck's constant. And it is the blackbody radiation formula where E = hν. The blackbody radiation formula suggests that at higher enclosure temperatures, thermal electromagnetic radiation possesses higher frequencies. Evidently, this trend continues until the emissions attain a peak state, after which the temperature rise decreases the radiation frequency.

Multiple choice questions and answers on blackbody radiation:

1. What is a blackbody?

A. A celestial object

B. A chemical substance

C. A rigid solid enclosure


A rigid solid enclosure


A hollow solidified enclosure having an opaque surface with a pinhole is an assumption of a perfect blackbody by the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.

2. Which of the following is not an example of a partial blackbody?

A. Heating filament of a toaster

B. Thin gold foil

C. Platinum black


Thin gold foil


A perfect blackbody is unreal. All earthly objects with absorbing abilities greater than 0.95 are imperfect blackbodies called grey bodies. Thin gold foil absorbing ability is much less than the said value. Hence, it is not an example of a partial blackbody.

3. A blackbody emits_________

A. Heat-assimilated electromagnetic radiations

B. Thermal radiations

C. Light radiations


Heat-assimilated electromagnetic radiations


The thermal electromagnetic radiation emitted from a blackbody is known as blackbody radiation. A blackbody emits the absorbed electromagnetic light only on heating. Hence, it is a heat-combined electromagnetic radiation.

4. Which of the following substance has the highest absorbing power?

A. Polished Silver

B. Diamond

C. Lamp black


Lamp black


Lamp black is a partial blackbody with 0.98 absorbing power. It implies lamp black can intake 98% of the incident that falls on its surface. The diamond and polished silver are not partial blackbodies whose absorbing capacities lie below 0.95.

5. What is the emissivity of a pure copper filament?

A. less than one

B. greater than one

C. equal to one


Less than one


When an object and a perfect blackbody are at a fixed temperature state, their radiant emittances ratio is called emissivity. Anyhow the emissivity of an ideal blackbody is always one. But all other earthly materials' emissivity lies below one.

6. Which of the following is an application of blackbody radiation?

A. cellular communications

B. satellite communications

C. Burglar alarm


Burglar alarm


A burglar alarm is a security device with a loud alarm to alert about the opening of doors and windows. It consists of blackbody radiation detectors and sensors that connect with the control panel systems.

7. Blackbody radiations comprise _____________

A. Protons

B. Photons

C. Positrons




Following Planck's law, blackbody radiation comprises discrete radiant energy particles called photons.

8. The following are examples of hot bodies identical in every respect in thermal equilibrium conditions. Which one among them cools last?

A. A solid cube

B. A solid sphere

C. A solid cone


A solid sphere


The rate of thermal emissions of a blackbody varies directly with its surface area. Objects with a large surface area have high emissive power. The solid sphere has a low surface area than the other hot bodies. Hence, it cools last.

9. What is the color of blackbody radiation?

A. Blue

B. Red

C. It depends upon the enclosure temperature


It depends upon the enclosure temperature


The color of blackbody radiation depends only on the enclosure's temperature. The blackbody radiation exhibit colors when its wavelength lies between 350-750 nm, and the enclosure's temperature ranges between 3800-8300 Kelvin approximately. Initially, at 3800 K, the radiation appears in dull red. At higher temperatures, the radiation color follows the reverse VIBGYOR pattern. Finally, the radiation becomes violet-colored at 8257 Kelvin. At above 12000 K, the radiation becomes white. Then it enters the ultraviolet region part of the spectrum with further temperature rise.

10. Which of the following surfaces are good reflectors of blackbody radiations?

A. Black coarse surfaces

B. Polished surfaces

C. Rough surfaces


Polished surfaces


Polished surfaces are even that makes them better reflectors of light. They reflect light parallel to the incident light ray.

11. Intensity of blackbody radiation is maximum at___________________

A. Longer radiation wavelengths

B. Shorter radiation wavelengths

C. λmax




The blackbody curve depicts that energy distribution is not uniform over broad wavelength ranges. As a result, the blackbody radiation intensity rises with emissive power at shorter wavelengths. It continues until it reaches the peak wavelength position λmax. For a fixed temperature T, the radiation intensity is maximum at λmax.

12. The blackbody curve is the variation of __________________ and ____________

A. Emissive power and temperature

B. Emissive power and wavelength

C. Temperature and wavelength


Emissive power and wavelength


A blackbody curve is a graph between blackbody radiations' emissive power and their wavelength at fixed temperature conditions. The blackbody radiation graph is a hill-shaped curve depicting non-uniform spectral energy densities of blackbody radiation emissions. Moreover, the crest position of the blackbody curve shifts towards shorter wavelengths at higher temperatures by Wien's displacement law.

13. Blackbody spectrum is a _____________________spectrum

A. Continuous radiation emission

B. Discontinuous radiation absorption

C. Line spectra of emitted blackbody radiations


The continuous radiation emission spectrum


The blackbody spectrum is a patterned arrangement of blackbody radiation emissions in the increasing order of frequencies or in the decreasing order of their wavelengths. Besides, it is a continuous emission spectrum due to the absence of distinct boundary separation between the spectral bands. In the blackbody spectrum, one spectral band merges into the other without partition. Like the electromagnetic spectrum, it is a never-ending blackbody radiation emission spectrum.

14. By Lambert's law, the distribution of blackbody radiation in various directions is ____________________

A. identical

B. irregular

C. intermittent




Blackbody radiation emissions are homogeneous in all directions. Hence, they are isotropic.

15. The blackbody emissions obey __________law

A. Quantum law

B. Energy conservation law

C. Biot-savart law


Quantum law


Planck's quantum law was the first theory that invented the particle character of energy. And it successfully explained the energy distributions of blackbody curves for shorter and longer radiation wavelengths, unlike Rayleigh-Jeans law and Wien displacement law. It elucidated the interaction of electromagnetic radiations with the matter. Further, it calculated the magnitude of blackbody emission energies from the radiation frequencies.

Answer whether the following statement is true or false:

1. White stars act as blackbodies

A. True

B. False




A perfect blackbody is a hypothetical inexistent object. White stars are partial blackbodies as they can emit hot thermal electromagnetic radiations.

2. Blackbody radiations are hot

A. True

B. False




Blackbody releases radiations only on heating. Consequently, the blackbody radiations are heat-assimilated light radiations expelled from the cavity of the blackbody chamber. The spectral energy densities of blackbody emissions depend on the blackbody enclosure's temperature. Moreover, the temperature is the sole factor influencing blackbody emissions.

3. Max Planck invented the term blackbody

A. True

B. False




German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff in 1860, invented an ideal absorber and emitter of electromagnetic radiations, irrespective of their wavelengths in thermal equilibrium conditions, known as a blackbody.

4. The surface of a blackbody is opaque

A. True

B. False




The surface of the blackbody was assumed opaque by Kirchhoff to avoid reflection and transmission of incident light that falls on its surface. It makes the blackbody a complete absorber and emitter of thermal electromagnetic radiations in fixed temperature conditions, unlike other earthly existent materials.

5. Blackbody radiations are visible only when their wavelength lies below 300 nm

A. True

B. False




Below 300 nm, the blackbody emissions lie in the ultraviolet part of the blackbody spectrum that a human eye cannot detect. Hence they are invisible.

Reasoning questions on blackbody & its radiation:

Read the assertion and explanation statements carefully. And Pick the correct option from the following. The options are common to all questions.

A. Both assertion and explanation are correct

B. Assertion is true. And the explanation is false

C. Assertion is false. And the explanation is correct.

D. Both assertion and explanation are false.


Assertion: An ideal blackbody absorbing power is one.

Explanation: It has zero transmitting and reflecting powers.


The assertion is true. And the explanation is false.


The absorbing power of a perfect blackbody is one as it absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiations of all wavelengths that fall on its opaque surface in fixed temperature conditions. Absorbing capacity is the ratio between the magnitude of heat absorbed to the total amount of heat incident on its surface. In the case of an ideal blackbody, the absorbed heat amount and the aggregate of incident light are equal. Hence, its absorbing power is one. Although its opaque surface inhibits reflection and transmission through the blackbody, it indirectly influences the absorbing ability of a blackbody. Unless the blackbody surface is a good absorber, these reasons cannot control its absorbing capacities.


Assertion: The blackbody spectrum is a continuous emission spectrum

Explanation: The blackbody emissions are uniform and homogeneous


The assertion is true. And the explanation is false.


The blackbody spectrum is a continuous arrangement of emitted blackbody radiations based on their wavelengths or frequencies. The spectral bands denote the specific wavelengths of released blackbody radiations that consolidate with its neighbor band to give an uninterrupted spectral bands array. The emission spectrum of a blackbody is continuous due to the merging of spectral bands but not by the homogeneous and isotropic character of blackbody radiations.



Blackbodies emit thermal electromagnetic radiation only on heating.


It helps to attain the thermal equilibrium conditions in the enclosure.


Both the assertion and explanation statements are correct.


At the thermal equilibrium state, no heat change occurs. Nevertheless, the heat absorption and emission proceed with an equal energy sum to maintain the thermal equilibrium. Moreover, it is a dynamic state that changes intermittently in periodic installments.

Heating a blackbody enclosure disturbs its thermal equilibrium state by enhancing heat energy levels. So, to achieve the equilibrium state once again, the blackbody expels its excess energy as thermal electromagnetic radiation. Hence, the release of blackbody radiations after heating the blackbody to maintain the thermal equilibrium condition with the surrounding is a justified explanation.



The blackbody surface is opaque. It makes the blackbody surface crucial in controlling thermal electromagnetic emissions.


The proportion of radiation emissions varies inversely with the surface area.

Both the assertion and explanation statements are false.


Regarding the assertion, the opaque surface of a blackbody restricts reflection and transmission through it, but it cannot control its radiation emissions. Hence, the crucial role of opaque blackbody surface in blackbody radiation emission is false.

And coming to the explanation portion, the proportion of radiation emissions varies directly with the surface area. Large surface area objects have high absorbing and emissive powers. It is due to the enhancement in the rate of energy transmissions per unit volume.



A blackbody is a hollow solid enclosure with an opaque-coated surface. So it is physically existent solid matter.


 A perfect blackbody is an imaginary theoretical assumption of the physicist Gustav Kirchhoff.


The assertion is false, and the explanation is correct.


A blackbody is a hollow, solidified, closed enclosure with a little hole to emit blackbody radiation. The discussed description of the physical state of the blackbody hints that it is an existent earthly object. But it is untrue due to its exceptional absorbing and emissive capacities of radiations of all wavelengths without any bounds. It is impractical for the existent universal objects discovered so far.



A blackbody can emit white-colored thermal electromagnetic radiation when heated to high temperatures.


It is possible only when the blackbody surface is coated white.


The assertion is true. The explanation is false.


The blackbody enclosure's temperature controls the color of released thermal electromagnetic emissions. White-colored blackbody radiation is released when the enclosure temperature is nearly 12000 Kelvin. Hence, the assertion statement is correct.

A blackbody is not necessarily a black-colored object. All black materials are not blackbodies, either. The material's absorbing and emitting power decides the blackbody from the black-colored substances.

But a blackbody's surface appears black due to absorption of all wavelength light radiations. When the blackbody surface is coated white, the blackbody will reflect off all incident light radiations and become a poor radiation absorber.



A hot blackbody glows in the dark.


The black body reflects light in the dark.


The assertion is true. The explanation is false.


When heating a blackbody in thermal equilibrium conditions to high temperature, then taken to a dark room, it glows due to the emission of thermal electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, a perfect blackbody's reflecting power is zero. Hence the explanation is wrong.

Video description of blackbody and its radiations:

Absorption of light radiations of suitable energies is a characteristic of every chemical element as it depends upon various factors, such as their composition, electron configuration, etc. But the presumption of a hypothetical object with uneven absorbing capabilities of all radiation wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum laid a new pathway to thermal energy exchanges.

It explains blackbody and its radiation

In the video, you observe that the blackbody accepts all wavelength light radiations that fall on its surface coming from the light source in thermal equilibrium conditions. The inserted radiation suffers a collision with the walls of the rigid container. And the blackbody container has a pinhole on one of its walls for radiation emission, known as a blackbody hole. The radiation has very few chances of escaping through the blackbody hole during its striking with the walls. But a large quantity of blackbody radiations struggles inside with internal collisions when the blackbody is in a cold state (not heated).

On heating, the blackbody must emit all detained radiations as heat-assimilated electromagnetic light to maintain the thermal equilibrium conditions of the enclosure. The blackbody emissions are affected only by the enclosure temperature. 

(Click the image to view the video on blackbody)

Hence, the energy distribution of blackbody radiations is non-uniform over a wide range of temperatures.

When the enclosure temperature is high, the magnitude of the blackbody photon is also high. So, knowing the temperature of an emitted blackbody radiation helps to measure the radiation wavelengths, aka their energies.

PPT notes of blackbody and its radiation:

So far, we have discussed the definitions of blackbody and its radiation. But the invention of the blackbody did not give birth to Kirchhoff's law alone. Additionally, several theories, such as Wein displacement law, Rayleigh-Jeans law, Planck quantum law, and Stefan-Boltzmann law, rose to interpret the thermal emissions of earthly objects.

It expanded the applications of blackbody radiations in lightning, heating and thermal imaging, and security fields. Electric heaters, incandescent lights, night vision equipment, and burglar alarms are some equipment developed using the theoretical concepts of blackbody radiations.

Here is a link to our PowerPoint presentation on blackbodies and their radiation

Our e-book:

Download a PowerPoint e-book on Kirchhoff's law from our store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

Difference between blackbody and graybody:

Blackbody Gray body
1. It absorbs incident light of all wavelengths falling on its surface at a constant temperature 1. Its surface absorptivity is independent of incident light wavelength and temperature conditions. And it absorbs some fraction of incident ligh that falls on its surface
2. The absorptivity of a blackbody is one.And its reflecting and transmitting powers are zero 2. Its absorptivity varies between 0 and 1. And it has definite reflective and transmitting powers depending upon the nature of the substance
3. The energy density of radiations emitted by a blackbody is independent of its nature, size, and shape. Instead,it depends only on temperature conditions 3. The energy density of emitted radiations by a gray body depends upon its nature,size, shape, and composition
4. The blackbody's emissive power is a universal constant at each wavelength in the thermodynamic equilibrium state 4. At particular wavelength and in thermal equilibrium conditions, the emissive power of a gray body is the product of its absorbing power and the blackbody's emissive power at that wavelength
5. The blackbody radiation is isotropic in nature. The emissivity of a blackbody is one 5. The gray body radiations are anisotropic in nature. The emissivity of the gray body varies between 0 and 1

Match the following on blackbody & its radiation:

Here is a match the following quiz to compare the terms in column-A and column-B.
Column-A Column-B
A. Diamond 1. Example of a blackbody
B. James Clerk Maxwell 2. Thermal electromagnetic light
C. Graphite 3. Example of a gray body
D. Gustav Kirchhoff 4. Light is electromagnetic
E. Blackbody radiation 5. Ideal emitter of light

The answers of the following quiz is A-3,B-4,C-1,D-5, and E-2

To download the match the following quiz, click on the link.


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