Quiz on blackbody & Kirchhoff's law-chemistry learners

MCQs with answers on blackbody and Kirchhoff's law

Gustav Kirchhoff, a physicist, and a creator of the ideal thermal radiation absorber & emitter, formulated two radiation laws to explain the absorbing and emissive powers of terrestrial objects. They are Kirchhoff's laws of thermal radiation. This blog post discusses the multiple-choice questions and answers to Kirchhoff's law and blackbody.  

It explains Kirchhoff's law.

Multiple choice questions and answers of Kirchhoff’s law:

1. Which of the following law states that "good absorbers are the good emitters of heat energy"?

A. Kirchhoff’s law

B. Planck’s law

C. Wein’s displacement law

D. James Clerk’s electromagnetic induction

Answer: Kirchhoff’s law


Kirchhoff's law states that a substance that absorbs 100% incident light can emit all absorbed radiations at a particular wavelength in thermal equilibrium conditions.

2. What happens when heat radiates from one part of the medium to another?

A. the medium temperature rises

B. the medium temperature falls

C. the medium remains unaffected

D. It changes its form

Answer: the medium remains unaffected


Radiation is the method of transmission of heat from one point to another without heating the intervening medium.

3. Which region of the electromagnetic spectrum does the emitted black body radiation belong to at room temperature?

A. Ultraviolet region

B. Infrared region

C. Visible light

D. Cosmic region

Answer: Infrared region


At room temperature, most of the emitted black body radiations fall in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

4. Who predicted that the emissivity of a substance is equal to its absorptivity?

A. Gustav Kirchhoff

B. J. H. Jeans

C. James Clerk Maxwell

D. Max Planck

Answer: Gustav Kirchhoff


Kirchhoff’s law states that emissivity equals the absorptivity of a substance in thermal equilibrium.

5. What is the absorbing power of a perfect blackbody?

A. 1

B. 0

C. infinity

D. 100

Answer: 1


An ideal blackbody's surface absorbs all wavelength incident radiations. Hence, its absorptivity is equal to one.

6. In which part of the visible spectrum does the emission spectrum of sunlight is peaked?

A. Yellow-green

B. Yellow-red

C. Red-orange

D. Red-blue

Answer: Yellow-green


The sun has an effective temperature of 5800 K. It produces an emission spectrum that peaks in the yellow-green part of the visible region.

7. The radiation inside a constant temperature enclosure depends upon

A. Wavelength

B. Frequency

C. Temperature

D. Nature of the substance

Answer: Temperature


According to Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation, the black body curve is characteristic of thermal light. It depends only on the temperature of the walls of the cavity.

8. Which law states the continuous thermal energy exchange between the body and the surrounding?

A. Stefan's law

B. Kirchhoff's law

C. Prevost's theory

D. Wien's law

Answer: Prevost's theory


Prevost's theory states that the hotness and coldness of a body indicate a rise or fall in its temperature due to thermal energy exchange with the surrounding. So, the body that absorbs more heat from the surrounding becomes hot. The body that releases more heat to the surrounding is cooled. Moreover, it elucidated continuous heat exchange between the body and the surrounding at all finite temperatures.

9. At a given temperature and wavelength conditions, the ratio between the emissive power to the absorbing power of a body is____________

A. a constant value

B. a variable quantity

C. equal to zero

D. unpredictable number

Answer: a constant value


Kirchhoff's law states that the ratio of emissive and absorbing powers of a material object is constant at every wavelength in thermal equilibrium. And the emissive power of a perfect blackbody at that wavelength and temperature gives its value.

10. What does an ice block do when placed in a room of 25 degrees centigrade temperature?

A. radiates less heat but absorbs more

B. radiates more heat than it absorbs

C. radiates as much heat as it absorbs

D. does not radiate and absorb heat

Answer: radiates less heat but absorbs more


An ice block placed in the room is at zero degrees Celsius temperature. But, the room temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. So, heat flows from the surroundings to the ice. It implies ice absorbs more heat than it radiates.

11. Why are blue stars hotter than red stars?

A. With the increase in temperature, the color of the object seems dull

B. The wavelength of the body increases with the rise in temperature

C. It depends upon the distance of stars from the earth

D. The frequency of black body radiation increases with the temperature rise.

Answer: the frequency of black body radiation increases with the temperature rise.


Above 500 degrees Celsius, the radiated black body radiations move towards the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. So, the human eye can perceive them.

Initially, the radiations appear in dull red. An increase in temperature further changes the radiation color to yellow, orange, and green.

It implies that objects with higher temperatures emit blue light. And those with low temperatures emit red light.

12. Why are objects black in color?

A. They absorb all wavelength incident light.

B. They reflect black color more than the other colors

C. They have no color and seem black.

D. They absorb white light, so they appear black.

Answer: They absorb all wavelength incident light


A body's surface appears black when it absorbs all colored radiations of all wavelengths.

13. Which law explains the continuous frequency spectrum of the black body?

A. Planck’s law

B. Kirchhoff’s law

C. Rayleigh-Jeans law

D. Wein’s displacement law

Answer: Planck’s law


Black body radiations exhibit a continuous spectrum of frequency of radiations that depend only on the body’s temperature is known Planck spectrum.

14. Which law states that blackbody emissions increase enormously in the ultraviolet region when the temperature rises?

A. Planck’s law

B. Kirchhoff’s law

C. Rayleigh-Jeans law

D. Wein’s displacement law

Answer: Rayleigh-Jeans law


Rayleigh's law follows classical physics assumptions. The Rayleigh-Jeans law explained the variation of light intensity with wavelength at a particular temperature (T).

This law states that the light intensity increases enormously unbounded at shorter wavelengths of the black body radiations.

It causes excess radiant energy emission by the black body in the ultraviolet region. It is named ultraviolet catastrophe.

15. Who discovered the term black body?

A. Gustav Kirchhoff

B. Max Planck

C. Isaac Newton

D. J.H. Jeans

Answer: Gustav Kirchhoff


Gustav Kirchhoff introduced the term black body in 1860. He studied about radiated thermal energies of substances.

Answer whether the following statement is true or false:

1. The emissivity of a perfect blackbody is a universal constant at room temperature.

A. True

B. False




The emissivity of a perfect blackbody is always equal to one at a particular wavelength in thermal equilibrium conditions.

2. The value of Kirchhoff's constant is 2.8 x 10-3 mK.

A. True

B. False




Kirchhoff didn't introduce any constant quantity to measure absorbing and emissive powers of a material object. Instead, he utilized the emissive power of the perfect blackbody, and it varies with radiation wavelength in thermal equilibrium conditions.

3. An object with zero emissivity exists in the universe.

A. True

B. False




By Kirchhoff's law, the emissivity of ordinary objects varies between 0 to 1. So, there is a terrestrial object with zero emissivity.

4. The human body is a partial blackbody that can always be in thermal equilibrium with its surrounding.

A. True

B. False




A human body temperature varies approximately between 36 to 38 degrees centigrade. When the room temperature limit lies between 36 to 38 degrees Celsius, the human body is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. Due to climate changes, some regions on earth exhibit drastic temperature changes that the human body cannot acquire.

For example- In places like New Delhi, the room temperature range can reach 4 or 5 degrees Celsius in the winter season. In such scenarios, a human body cannot be thermal equilibrium with its surrounding.

5. Kirchhoff proved that a blackbody emits thermal radiation continuously on heating.

A. True

B. False




Kirchhoff's theory is silent about the mode of thermal energy emissions on heating. But by classical physics, the blackbody radiation emission is continuous. And it led to an ultraviolet catastrophe.

Reasoning questions on Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation:

Read the assertion and explanation statements carefully. And pick the correct option from the following. The options are common to all questions.

A. Both assertion and explanation are correct

B. Assertion is true. And the explanation is false

C. Assertion is false. And the explanation is correct.

D. Both assertion and explanation are false.



Kirchhoff experimented with black and white colored identical metallic balls in the open air instead of a closed solid enclosure.


The black-colored sphere absorbs more thermal radiation than the white ball.


Both the assertion and explanation are correct


When the identical metallic balls are in an unenclosed free space, they are not in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding. As a result, the black ball becomes a superior thermal energy absorber than the white ball.



The emissivity of Lamp black is 0.98


It will increase with the rise in the blackbody enclosure's temperature


The assertion is true. And the explanation is false.


The emissivity of any substance is a fixed numerical value specific to it. And it is independent of the surrounding temperature. But, the emissive power of the material varies with the enclosure's temperature.



A graphite-coated closed rigid chamber absorbs sunlight at room temperature conditions.


The sun will absorb emitted blackbody radiations from the solid enclosure


The assertion is true. And the explanation is false.


The graphite-coated closed solid enclosure acts as a partial blackbody that can absorb a copious amount of sunlight at room temperature. And it emits the same quantity of energy to the surrounding with which it is in thermal equilibrium. Obviously, the rigid solid chamber cannot be in thermal equilibrium with the sun at room temperature.



The emissive power of a perfect blackbody is a universal constant in thermal equilibrium following Kirchhoff's law


It is specific to each radiation wavelength at constant temperature conditions


Both the assertion and explanation are correct


The emissive power of a perfect blackbody at temperature T gives the energy radiated in a vacuum per unit of time per unit area. And it is a universal constant value specific to each radiation wavelength.



The emissivity of a poor absorber is equal to its absorptivity at temperature T.


Kirchhoff's law only applies to perfect thermal energy absorbers.


The assertion is true. And the explanation is false.


Kirchhoff's law applies to all terrestrial objects and aids measure their absorbing and emissive powers. Following this law, the absorbing power of a poor absorber is equal to its emissivity at thermal equilibrium.

Video description of Kirchhoff's law:

Gustav Kirchhoff's hypothetical blackbody absorbs all wavelength radiations that fall on its surface at temperature T. Consequently, Kirchhoff depicted it as a perfect absorber of radiant energies. Not only absorption, but the unreal body emits all absorbed light on heating. And it became an ideal emitter of thermal radiation. The first image of the video describes the same.

As a result, Kirchhoff had used the blackbody's emissive power in his mathematical formula as a universal constant to measure the terrestrial object's absorbing and emissive powers.

Kirchhoff's first radiation formula:



Eλ = Emissive power of a perfect blackbody

eλ = Emissive power of an object

aλ = Absorbing power of an object

Except for blackbody, all other non-ideal objects absorb specific wavelength light that depends upon their structure and composition. Nevertheless, they emit all absorbed radiations on heating. Hence, their absorbing powers and emissivities are equal in quantity at thermal equilibrium. It follows the second thermodynamics law.

Kirchhoff's second radiation formula:

aλ = e  


aλ = Absorbing power of an object at the wavelength  λ

e = Emissivity of the object

Apart from this, Kirchhoff proved that a perfect radiation absorber is a perfect emitter. Also, a poor absorber is a poor emitter.

In the video, the black-colored sphere is a superior absorber, and the white-colored circle is a poor absorber of thermal energies.

Here is the video link to Kirchhoff's law. Just have a look at it for a better understanding.

Mind map of Kirchhoff’s law:

This mind map briefly outlines Kirchhoff law with the two radiation formulas.

Mind map of Kirchhoff's law

Kirchhoff formulated an empirical equation to determine the emissive power of ordinary objects from the known values of their absorbing capacity and the blackbody’s emissive power

A blackbody is an assumed hypothetical closed hollow solid chamber with an opaque surface. And it is a complete absorber and emitter of the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

Hence, the emissive power of any material object is equal to the product of its absorbing ability and the blackbody’s emissive power at that particular wavelength and temperature

Kirchhoff’s second radiation law determines an object’s emissivity from the known values of its absorbing power.

And both are equal for every radiation wavelength at thermal equilibrium. Hence, it obeys the second thermodynamics law.

Moreover, the perfect blackbody has the highest absorbing power and emissivity value of 1.

Additionally, Kirchhoff’s radiation laws help to measure thermal energy exchanges of earthly bodies and are also helpful in spectroscopy.

Numerical problems of Kirchhoff's law:

1. A metal beaker has absorbing power of 500 and emissive power of 250 watts per square meter at 30 degrees centigrade and 400 nm. What is the emissive power of a blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength?


Absorbing power of the metal beaker = 500

Emissive power of the metal beaker = 250 watts per square meter

The formula to calculate the emissive power of a blackbody is;


Eλ = 250/500 = 1/2 = 0.5 watts per square meter

2. A blackbody has emissive power of 270 watts per square meter at 35 nm in thermal equilibrium. What is the absorbing power of a copper ball if it has emissive power of 130 watts per square meter?


Emissive power of blackbody = 270 watts per square meter

Emissive power of the copper ball = 130 watts per square meter

The formula to calculate the absorbing power of copper ball is;


aλ = 130/270 = 0.48148

3. A sodium bulb has an absorptivity of 0.6 at 42 degrees centigrade. What is its emissivity at the same temperature?


The absorptivity of sodium bulb = 0.6

As the temperature of the sodium bulb is constant, it is in a thermal equilibrium state. By using Kirchhoff’s law, we can say that;

The absorptivity and emissivity of a body are numerically equal in thermal equilibrium conditions.

The emissivity of the sodium bulb = 0.6

4. What is the emissivity of an iron rod if it has an emissive power of 2.25 watts per square meter? The emissive power of a blackbody is 0.75 watts per square meter at the same temperature and wavelength conditions.


Emissive power of iron rod = 2.25 watts per square meter

Emissive power of blackbody = 0.75 watts per square meter

Emissivity = Emissive power of the bodyEmissive power of a perfect blackbody

Emissivity of iron rod = 2.25/0.75 = 3

5. A gold piece has an emissivity of 0.625 at 1200 degrees centigrade and 254 nm. Then what is the emissivity of a perfect blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength conditions?


A perfect blackbody is a good absorber and emitter of electromagnetic light at all wavelengths in thermal equilibrium conditions. Its emissivity and absorptivity values are equal to one.

Hence, the emissivity of a perfect blackbody at 1200 degrees centigrade and at 254 nm is one.

6. The absorbing power of a metal cone is 5 at 450 nm in room temperature conditions. And the emissive power of a perfect blackbody is 20 watts per square meter for the same wavelength and temperature. What is the emissive power of the metal cone?


Absorbing power of metal cone = 5

The emissive power of perfect blackbody = 20 watts per square meter

The formula to calculate the emissive power of a metal cone is


eλ = 5 x 20 = 100 watts per square meter

PowerPoint notes of Kirchhoff's law:

 Kirchhoff's law streamlined thermal energy exchanges between the system and the surrounding with an ideal hollow solid named blackbody. Further, it framed mathematical relations to relate an ordinary object's emissive and absorbing abilities with the perfect blackbody's emissive power. The PowerPoint presentation discusses phrases connected with Kirchhoff's law together with thermal radiation formulas.

Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation of Kirchhoff's law.

Our e-book:

To download PowerPoint notes on Kirchhoff's law, visit our e-book store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

Match the following:

Column-A Column-B
1. Charcoal A. A fixed number
2. Graphite B. A perfect radiation emitter
3. Emissive power C. A poor thermal energy absorber
4. Emissivity D. Watts per square meter
5. A hard hollow chamber E. 0.97

Answers: 1-C, 2-E, 3-D, 4-A, 5-B