Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiations-chemistry learners

Kirchhoff's law of blackbody radiations-theoretical proofs

We can see the light and feel the sensation of heat. But we never expected a crazy combination of both. It is blackbody radiation. Blackbody radiation is heat-assimilated electromagnetic light. Generally, radiation is the method of transmission of heat from one point to another without heating the intervening medium. And when the heated object emits radiation, it is called thermal radiation.

Early in the 15th century, people believed ice released cold radiation, and a hot cup of tea discharged hot radiation. The classification of thermal radiation was absurd based on the Prevost hypothesis of heat exchange. It states that the hotness and coldness of a body indicate a rise or fall in its temperature due to thermal energy exchange with the surrounding. So, the body that absorbs more heat from the surrounding becomes hot. The body that releases more heat to the surrounding is cooled. Moreover, it elucidated continuous heat exchange between the body and the surrounding at all finite temperatures.

It is Kirchhoff's formula for thermal radiation.

The hotness and coldness is the thermal state of a body that determines the body's heat flow with the surrounding. Animals curl to protect themselves from cold environments and cloudy winter nights are warmer than clear sky. These realistic observations hinted at an accurate and deep understanding of thermal radiation transferences. Gustav Kirchhoff explained some of such stuff with the assumption of an ideal body. His imaginary black-colored hard solid object played a crucial role in depicting the thermal radiation exchanges by ordinary bodies. It is Kirchhoff's law, our today's blog topic.

Table of contents:

What are Kirchhoff’s thermal radiation laws?

Kirchhoff’s law and the second law of thermodynamics

Kirchhoff’s experiment and observations

Derivation of Kirchhoff’s radiation laws

Phrases related to Kirchhoff’s law

Applications of Kirchhoff's law

Examples of Kirchhoff’s law

FAQs of Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation

Our e-book:

You can download our e-book on blackbody & radiation from our e-book store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

What are Kirchhoff's thermal radiation laws?

Kirchhoff's first radiation law:

It states that the proportion of emissive and absorbing powers of any material object is constant at every wavelength in thermal equilibrium. And the emissive power of a perfect blackbody at that wavelength and temperature gives its value.

Formula: eλaλ=Eλ


Eλ = Emissive power of a perfect blackbody

eλ = Emissive power of an object

aλ = Absorbing power of an object


Kirchhoff's law interprets that the ratio of emissive and absorptive powers of any terrestrial body at wavelength λ in thermal equilibrium conditions is constant. And it is equal to the emissive power of a perfect blackbody at that identical wavelength and temperature conditions. 

As a result, we can calculate the unknown variable of Kirchhoff's formula by putting the values of the blackbody's emissive power and either absorbing or emissive capabilities of a material body.

Besides, at a temperature T, the amount of heat radiation taken or emitted by the body is wavelength-specific.

An ideal blackbody is a fictitious imagination of physicist Gustav Kirchhoff as a complete absorber and emitter of thermal radiation. Hence, its emissive power gives the terrestrial object's absorbing or emissive capabilities. 

Moreover, the emissive power of a perfect blackbody is a universal constant at fixed wavelength and temperature conditions.

Kirchhoff's second radiation law:

The emissivity of a body is numerically equal to its absorbing power at thermal equilibrium.

Formula: aλ = e


aλ = Absorbing power of an object at the wavelength λ

e = Emissivity of the object


As discussed earlier, Kirchhoff's imaginary object can absorb all wavelength light radiations. And it can emit all absorbed radiations on heating. So, its absorbing power and emissivity are always one.

It is a graph comparing absorbing power and emissivity of a blackbody and a partial blackbody.

All other objects' emissivity and absorbing ability remain below one, and it varies with the nature and composition of the material.

But Kirchhoff's second law proves that any material object emits all the absorbed light radiations without loss in thermal equilibrium. Hence, magnitude of absorptivity and emissivity are equal at constant temperatures, even for terrestrial bodies.

At a thermal equilibrium state, no net transfer of heat and matter between a system & its surrounding. An object in a closed enclosure at fixed temperature conditions establishes a thermal equilibrium with its chamber. Now, the body absorbs and emits equal amounts of thermal radiation to maintain the thermal equilibrium state. In this way, it obeys the second law of thermodynamics. Hence, Kirchhoff's second radiation law interprets that the earthly object's emissivity and absorptivity magnitudes are equal at thermal equilibrium.

Besides the two thermal radiation laws, Kirchhoff elucidated that perfect absorbers are good emitters and poor absorbers are poor emitters of thermal radiation.

Kirchhoff's law and the second law of thermodynamics:

The second law of thermodynamics states that there is no net heat transfer between two bodies at thermal equilibrium.

Kirchhoff's second radiation law proves it. Due to the body's absorptivity & emissivity being equal at the thermal equilibrium state.

An existent object kept in the blackbody chamber behaves as a blackbody at thermal equilibrium. It means the non-ideal object absorbs and emits equal quantities of thermal radiation at a fixed temperature (T) in the blackbody enclosure. Consequently, the net heat change is zero in the blackbody chamber. In this way, Kirchhoff's law obeys the second thermodynamics law.

Kirchhoff's experiment and observations:


Gustav Kirchhoff experimented with a constant temperature enclosure with two metallic balls. And the two metallic spheres are identical in shape, size, and nature. One metal sphere's surface is black coated, and the other one's top is polished white. The two metal balls take some time to attain the container temperature. After that, the enclosure and the two metallic spheres are in a state of thermal equilibrium with a fixed temperature of T.

It is a diagrammatic depiction of Kirchhoff's experiment.


Generally, the black-colored ball is a good absorber of thermal radiation. The black ball will intake a large quantum of thermal energy and becomes hot than the white ball.

Similarly, the white ball is a good reflector of heat and light. Consequently, it will be a poor absorber of thermal radiation. And it is colder than the black ball.

Both these assumptions disturb the thermal equilibrium state of the enclosure and the metallic spheres.

And surprisingly, Kirchhoff did not observe the mentioned assumptions during his experiment.

Experimental observations:

Both black and white balls expel all absorbed heat radiation to the enclosure regardless of their absorbing abilities. It maintains a thermal equilibrium condition in the chamber along with the two metallic spheres.

Based on these observations, Kirchhoff framed the two radiation laws.

Discovery of blackbody:

Kirchhoff, during his experiments, found that the ratio of the absorbing and emissive capacities of material objects are constant at fixed temperature conditions. To denote their value, he introduced a hypothetical body in 1860 as a perfect absorber and emitter of thermal radiation and named it a blackbody.

A blackbody is a solid closed enclosure with an opaque surface and a pinhole on one of its walls to expel thermal radiation. Besides, the blackbody can absorb and emit radiations of all wavelengths at thermal equilibrium conditions. So, the blackbody's absorbing and emissive powers are higher than other existent objects on earth.

The blackbody detains a fraction of incident light while absorbing and emitting heat energy at fixed temperature conditions. Heating disturbs the thermodynamic equilibrium of the blackbody enclosure, where the blackbody temperature is higher than its surrounding. So, the blackbody expels all the detained electromagnetic radiation as blackbody radiation. It brings back the thermal equilibrium state of the blackbody chamber. It is the reason behind the blackbody radiation emission only on heating.

Derivation of Kirchhoff's radiation laws:

Derivation of Kirchhoff’s first radiation law:

dQ is the amount of heat incident per second per unit area of both bodies.

dλ is the incident radiation wavelength that varies between (λ-½) to (λ+½)

In the case of white metallic sphere:

Energy absorbed per second per unit area of white sphere = aλdQ

aλ is the absorptivity of white sphere at the wavelength λ.

Energy reflected/transmitted per second per unit area = Total incident heat – Energy absorbed per second per unit area of the body

Reflecting/transmitting energies of the white sphere = dQ- aλdQ = dQ (1-aλ)

Energy radiated per second per unit area by the white body = eλdλ

eλ is the emissive power of the white metallic sphere at the wavelength λ

In thermal equilibrium conditions by the law of energy conservation,

The amount of heat incident on the body = total amount of heat radiated from the body

dQ = Energy reflected + energy radiated per second per unit area of the metallic sphere

dQ = dQ (1-aλ) + eλ

On solving the above equation, we get;

dQ = dQ - aλdQ + eλ

aλdQ = eλdλ   ------------------------------- (1)

In the case of black metallic sphere:

Absorptivity of a perfect blackbody (aλ) = 1

Reflecting/transmitting powers of the blackbody =0

Energy radiated per second per unit area of the blackbody = Eλ dλ

By law of conservation of energy, we have;

dQ = Energy reflected + energy radiated per second per unit area of the metallic sphere

dQ = 0 + Eλ dλ

dQ = Eλ dλ

By substituting the value of dQ in the above equation (1), we get;

aλ Eλ dλ = eλ


Derivation of Kirchhoff’s second radiation law:

Eλ is the emissivity of the blackbody at the wavelength λ

Eλ is the amount of thermal energy available to the white sphere for absorption. Being a poor absorber, the white sphere absorbs less energy than Eλ

The absorptivity of white sphere = aλEλ

Emissivity of white sphere = eEλ

In thermal equilibrium state, the magnitudes of absorbed and emitted energies remain the same.

aλEλ = eEλ

aλ = e

Phrases related to Kirchhoff’s law:


Generally, substances inhale and exhale photons under favorable conditions. The ratio between the quantities of light absorbed to the total incident light is called absorptivity. The body's surface that absorbs 100% of the incident light is a good absorber. And its absorptivity is one.

When a body reflects off a portion of incident light falling on its surface, its absorptivity lies below one. And these are gray bodies whose absorptivities vary between 0 and 1.

Likewise, thermal radiations obey the laws of reflection. So, they get reflected on polished surfaces. It makes polished surfaces poor absorbers of thermal radiation due to their reflecting abilities. As a result, a shiny black-colored surface is a poor absorber of thermal radiation than a black-colored opaque surface. Consequently, a substance is a good absorber only when its reflecting power is zero.

Emissive power:

At constant temperature T for a particular wavelength λ, the emissive power is the energy radiated in a vacuum per unit time per unit area per unit range of wavelength lying between (λ-½) to (λ+½).

A good absorber is always a good emitter. We know a blackbody is a perfect absorber of all wavelength incident light radiation falling on its surface. Further, a blackbody is a complete emitter of previously absorbed light on heating.

Hence, the emissive power of a perfect blackbody is a universal constant at each wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum in thermal equilibrium. It gives the value of the ratio of emissive and absorptive powers of gray bodies at that wavelength and temperature conditions.

Undoubtedly, we can say poor absorbers are poor emitters of heat radiation.

Accordingly, when a polished metal with a dark spot on its surface upon heating to a high temperature in a dark room seems dull. Conversely, the black speck begins to shine brightly. When heated, the black mark absorbs radiation, and the shiny metal surface reflects off all radiation.

By Kirchhoff's law, the dark spot emits all absorbed radiations in the dark room and looks bright. But, the shiny metal became a poor absorber on heating, hence has low emissive power and seems dull in the dark room.

Thermal equilibrium:

It is the fundamental condition of Kirchhoff's radiation laws. The magnitude of the heat energy absorbed is equal to that emitted at thermal equilibrium. And the net heat change is zero. Consequently, both the bodies in the thermal equilibrium state maintain a fixed temperature. Therefore, we may feel that the bodies neither intake nor eject heat energy. But they exchange an equal amount of heat quantum that restricts the heat change.

Additionally, the thermal equilibrium is a dynamic state. So, the body that is a heat absorber for a while becomes the heat emitter for the next second. It continues as long as the body is disturbed by an external energy source. So, an object is said to be in thermal equilibrium despite its heat energy exchanges until its temperature is constant.


It is the ratio between the gray body and the perfect blackbody radiant emittances at temperature T. It defines the gray body's efficacy in emitting thermal radiation by comparing it with the black body at a particular wavelength and temperature.

The emissivity of a perfect blackbody is one. So, gray bodies' emissivity varies between 0 and 1. Gray bodies are poor absorbers and emitters of thermal radiation compared with black bodies. So, they possess low emissivities.

As a result, polished silver-coated metal surface emissivity is less than the lampblack-coated metal surface at the same wavelength and temperature conditions.

Table-1: Values of absorptivity, emissive power, and emissivity for ideal and non-ideal objects

Description Notation Value
Phrases relating to Kirchhoff's law For blackbody For partial blackbody For blackbody For partial blackbody
Absorbing power Aλ aλ 1 0 to 1
Emissive power Eλ eλ A universal constant at each wavelength in thermal equilibrium state It depends on Eλ and aλ
Emissivity E e 1 0 to 1

Applications of Kirchhoff's law:

1. Measures thermal electromagnetic energies:

Kirchhoff radiation laws assist in calculating the absorbed and emitted thermal electromagnetic energies of earthly objects by using the emissive power of an ideal blackbody. It distinguished the superior and poor heat energy absorbers and emitters. It aids in heating and lighting purposes. For example- Cooking utensils design, thermos flasks, china crockery, decoration materials, etc.

2. In astronomy:

Kirchhoff's law interpreted Fraunhofer's lines of the solar absorption spectrum by considering the sun as a blackbody. Further, the dark absorption lines in the outer solar atmosphere form due to thermal energy absorptions.

3. In spectroscopy:

Exactly the single-positioned spectral lines occurrence in the emission and absorption spectra of specific element obeys Kirchhoff's law. According to it, magnitudes of absorptivity and emissivity are equal for objects at thermal equilibrium. As a result, if we have wavelength data of spectral lines in either emission or absorption spectrum, we can confirm the same in the other.

For example- The sodium spectrum shows two intense absorption lines at 588.99 nm and 589.59 nm. And these spectral lines also occur in the sodium emission spectrum at the same wavelengths. It confirms that each element can absorb a specific wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. And it emits the same wavelength light radiation when stabilized. Consequently, the atomic spectrum is a fingerprint of the atom.

Examples of Kirchhoff's law:

  1. Cooking utensils are coated black at the bottom to absorb thermal radiation from the flame to a greater extent. And the shiny upper portion prevents heat loss. It speeds up cooking.
  2. Sports persons prefer to wear white-colored apparel to reflect the sunlight most effectively. And it keeps them cool.
  3. Thermos flask's shiny outer walls help to preserve the temperature of fluids inside it as they are poor absorbers and emitters of thermal radiation.
  4. Decorated china crockery shines brightly in the darkroom on heating to high temperatures. The decorated portions of the utensils are superior heat absorbers. They glow in the dark due to emission of all absorbed thermal radiation.
  5. Building roofs with white sun proofs reflect sunlight and keep the home cool.
Our e-book:
You can download our e-book on multiple choice questions on blackbody & radiation from our e-book store, "Jayam chemistry adda."

FAQs of Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation:

1. What are the formulas and units of absorbing power, emissive power, and emissivity?

Absorbing power:

Absorbing power is the ratio between the amounts of heat absorbed to the total incident heat.

Absorbing power = Amount of heat absorbedTotal incident heat

It has no unit. It is a numerical value.

Emissive power:

Emissive power is the quantity of heat radiated in the vacuum per unit time per unit range of wavelength lying between (λ-½) to (λ+½) at a fixed temperature of T.


Its SI unit is watts per square meter.


Emissivity is the ratio of radiant emittances between a body and a perfect blackbody when they are at thermal equilibrium.

Emissivity = Radiant emittance of the bodyRadiant emittance of a perfect blackbody

It has no unit. It is a number.

2. Why is daytime hot in desert regions?

Desert sand absorbs heat to a large extent. Hence, it is hot in the daytime in deserts. At night time, the sand radiates all absorbed heat to the atmosphere. Consequently, the nighttime is cold in deserts. It is by Kirchhoff’s law.

3. Why does a hot yellow glass piece appear blue in the darkroom?

A yellow piece of glass, when heated in a dark room, appears blue. At ordinary temperature, the glass piece looks yellow because it absorbs blue light and transmits yellow color to a greater extent. While heating, the glass piece releases absorbed blue light, following Kirchhoff's law. Hence, it is blue-colored.

4. Two identical metal beakers coated black and white contain the same amount of hot water of 80 degrees centigrade. Which metal beaker cools first at room temperature?

Two metallic containers of identical shape and size have alternate black and white colored surfaces. Additionally, both bowls have an equal quantity of water heated at 80 degrees centigrade. And they are in room temperature conditions. Hence, they are not in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding. Then the water in the black container cools faster. Because we know the black-coated container is a better heat emitter than the white bowl.

5. How does surface roughness affect emissivity?

Large surface area surfaces are superior absorbers & emitters of thermal electromagnetic radiation than small surface area surfaces. Consequently, rough surfaces absorb or emit heat to a greater extent than polished surfaces due to their large surface area.

6. Does a blackbody emit more energy than it absorbs on heating?

It may sound so, but not correct. A blackbody absorbs electromagnetic radiation when cold. And it emits thermal electromagnetic radiation on heating. Following Kirchhoff's second radiation law, the magnitudes of absorbed and emitted heat quantum are the same in thermal equilibrium conditions.

7. Does absorptivity and emissivity of a body are equal at a constant wavelength?

It is false. Following Kirchhoff's law, absorptivity and emissivity of an object are equal at constant temperature conditions. When the body is not in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding, the heat flows from higher temperatures to lower temperature regions. So, their absorptivity and emissivity magnitudes differ when their temperature is not constant.

8. What is the difference between thermal radiation and blackbody radiation?

Thermal radiation:

The energy emitted from the body due to its temperature in the form of radiation is called thermal radiation.

An earthly object can emit thermal radiation.

Thermal radiation follows the law of reflection. And get reflected from polished surfaces.

Blackbody radiation:

Blackbody radiation is thermal electromagnetic radiation emitted from a blackbody on heating in thermal equilibrium.

An ideal hot blackbody emits blackbody radiation.

A perfect blackbody's reflecting power is zero.

9. Why do we feel hot in winter when we wear black clothes?

When wearing black clothes, we feel hot in the winter season as the black color is a good absorber of thermal radiation. And it absorbs all heat from the surroundings and keeps us warm.

10. When the mercury vapor absorption spectrum shows an intense blue absorption line at 435.8 nm, Calculate the wavelength of the blue emission line of mercury using Kirchhoff law of thermal radiation.

Kirchhoff's law states that emissivity and absorbing power of a body are equal at thermal equilibrium conditions. The wavelength of the absorption line of mercury is 435.8 nm. Hence, the wavelength of the blue emission line is 435.8 nm.

11. Does a blackbody surface emit blackbody radiations?

No, the blackbody surface can absorb electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths that fall on its opaque surface. The blackbody radiation ejects from the pinhole on one of the walls of the blackbody enclosure.

12. Why don't the absorbed electromagnetic radiations escape from the pinhole when the blackbody is cold?

When the blackbody is cold, absorbed electromagnetic radiations collide with the blackbody's enclosure walls slowly. Consequently, their chances of escaping from the pinhole are less. On heating, the kinetic energies of absorbed blackbody radiation increase, and they move fastly. So, their collisions with the enclosure walls increase enormously. Hence, the fast-moving thermal photons escape from the blackbody pinhole as blackbody radiation.

13. What is the thermal energy of the system?

Thermal energy is the system's internal energy by virtue of temperature at thermal equilibrium.

It is the produced heat energy in the system due to the movement of atoms and molecules.

Examples of thermal energy are;

  • Solar energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Fuel cell energy

14. Will photons excite when you heat light?

Heat and light are two different energy forms. We cannot heat light. By the law of conservation of energy, heat converts into light, and light can convert into heat.

We can heat a material that absorbs or holds light radiations, such as a blackbody. The supplied thermal energy increases the kinetic energies of oscillating electrons of the material. Then the electrons excite from a lower to a higher energy level. The excited state of the electron is unstable. So, the excited electron jumps back to its original energy state by emission of thermal electromagnetic radiations or hot photons called blackbody radiation.

Photons are packets of light energy. The physicist Isaac Newton confirmed their existence through the photoelectric effect and named them. Further, the energy particles can never excite on the absorption of another energy form. Only the atomic electrons undergo excitation and de-excitation processes upon absorption and emission of energy.

15. What are the properties of blackbody radiation similar to that of thermal radiation?

  1. Blackbody radiation travels in a straight line.
  2. It does not require any medium for its propagation.
  3. Blackbody radiation is isotropic in a homogeneous medium.
  4. Blackbody radiation does not heat the medium through which it passes.