Planck constant-MCQs & answers-Jayam chemistry learners

 MCQs with answers on Planck constant


Planck constant is a universal constant and is a physical quantity invented in 1900 by the physicist Max Planck, the creator of the particle nature of light. Before the quantum law, classical physics interpreted the wave character of light, which could not explain the interaction of light with matter.
It diagrammatically shows MCQs of Planck's constant.
MCQs of Planck's constant

Planck's quantum theory proposed the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiant energies. Besides, it was the basic theory of quantum mechanics and explained the energy existence as tiny erratic bundles. This blog discusses MCQs of Planck's constant with descriptive answer explanations.

Define Planck's constant

Kirchhoff's imaginary body brought a stunning change in the existing radiant energy interpretations over time. 

And to depict blackbody emissions at different temperature conditions, Max Planck formulated a mathematical formula known as Planck quantum law.

Furthermore, it calculated the magnitude of emitted energy particles from the corresponding radiation frequencies. Planck had to insert a fixed quantity in his empirical formula to obtain precise results. 

Thus, Planck's constant launched as an empirical fitting parameter in the energy distribution equation.

Planck's constant is a fixed numerical value used to compute the size of a quantum from its known frequency data. 

And it is a universal physical quantity that does not change with time. 

Besides, its value is 6.626 x 10-34 joule second in the SI system.

Planck's constant is mathematically equal to the ratio of the light energy to its frequency.

Moreover, it defines the linear frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

Mind map of Planck's constant:

The mind map of Planck's constant explains every single term relating to this topic. We all know the English alphabet 'h' denotes the fixed numerical quantity of the Planck quantum equation. 

Its formula is h = E/ν. Additionally, its value in atomic units is 4.136 x 10-15 eV seconds. Planck's constant plays a significant role in measuring the de-Broglie wavelength, photoelectric effect, and electron energies of Bohr's orbits.
Mind map of Planck's constant

Multiple choice questions and answers of Planck's constant:

1. Planck quantum theory laid foundation to___________

(i) Classical physics

(ii) Quantum mechanics

(iii) Thermodynamics

(iv) Spectroscopy

Answer: Quantum mechanics


It explains the particle nature of light on the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Thus, Planck's constant plays a vital role in quantum mechanics.

2. What is the unit for angular frequency?

(i) Radians per second

(ii) Hertz

(iii) Second

(iv) Meter

Answer: Radians per second


Angular frequency measures angular displacement in unit time. The unit of angular frequency is radians per second

3. How many times the photon's energy is greater than the wave number?

(i) 16.7

(ii) 6.626

(iii) 19.8 x 10-26

(iv) 5

Answer: 19.8 x 10-26


The relationship between photon's energy and wavenumber by Planck quantum theory is;

E = hcῩ

E = (19.878 x 10-26 joule meter) x wave number

4. The symbol used to denote the Planck constant is

(i) P

(ii) h

(iii) k

(iv) B

Answer: h


The symbol "h" denotes Planck constant

5. What is Bohr’s quantized angular momentum condition?

(i) mvr=nħ

(ii) mvr=nh

(iii) mvr=nπ

(iv) mvr=hπ

Answer: mvr=nħ


Neil Bohr introduced the reduced Planck's constant to express quantized angular momentum of electron orbits.

mvr = nħ

6. What is the frequency of visible light having a 12-meter band?

(i) 900 Hz

(ii) 25 Hz

(iii) 2.5 X 107 Hz

(iv) 250

Answer: 2.5 X 107 Hz


According to Planck’s quantum theory, the relationship between wavelength and frequency of light is   ν = c/λ

ν = 3 x 108 /12 =0.25 x 108 Hz

ν = 2.5 x 107 Hz

7. Which of the following physical quantity has the same units as that of reduced Planck's constant?

(i) Angular frequency

(ii) Frequency

(iii) Angular momentum

(iv) Angular velocity

 Answer: Angular momentum


Reduced Planck's constant has the same units as angular momentum. Kg m2 s-1 (or) joule second is its SI unit. Similarly, g cm2 s-1 (or) erg second is its CGS unit.

8. Which of the following is not an application of Planck's constant?

(i) de-Broglie wavelength

(ii) Bohr electron energy

(iii) Photoelectric effect

(iv) Magnetic moment of the electron

Answer: Magnetic moment of orbital


The formula for magnetic moment of electron is μ = [n (n+2)]½

The magnetic moment formula of the electron involves the principal quantum number. And it is independent of the value of Planck's constant.

9. What is the frequency of light having a wavelength of 3 X 10-3 m?

(i) 1012 Hz

(ii) 105 Hz

(iii) 1011 Hz

(iv) 108 Hz

Answer: 1011 Hz


According to Planck’s quantum theory, the relationship between wavelength and frequency of light is   ν = c/λ

ν = 3 x 108 /3 x 10-3

 ν = 1011 Hz

10. Einstein-Planck's law describes_______________

(i) The size of a photon

(ii) The number of photons

(iii) The wavenumber of photon

(iv) The angular frequency of photon

Answer: The size of a photon


The Einstein-Planck's law is



E= Energy of photon

h= Planck's constant

f= frequency of photon

It determines the energy of the photon. In other terms, the size of the photon.

11. What is the energy of light having a 9 nm wavelength?

(i) 2.2 X 10-17 J

(ii) 4.5 X 1923 J

(iii) 6.4 X 10-26 J

(iv) 3.8 X 10-17 J

Answer: 2.2 X 10-17 J


The wavelength of light= 9 nm= 9X 10-9 m

The formula to calculate the energy of photon is

E = 19.878 x 10-26 /λ Joules

E = 19.878 x 10-26 /9 x 10-9 J

E = 2.208 x 10-17 J

12. Which of the following experimental method used to determine Planck’s constant in laboratories?

(i) Particle accelerator method

(ii) Ion-exchange method

(iii) Vapor density method

(iv) Determination of the mass of the sample

Answer: Particle accelerator method


The following are a few experimental methods to compute Planck's constant practically.

1. From Faraday's constant in electrolysis experiments

2. Particle accelerator method

3. Kibble balance

13. What is the ratio of the energy of photons having frequencies 4000Hz and 8000 Hz?

(i) 2

(ii) ½

(iii) 3.14

(iv) 4

Answer: 1/2


According to Planck’s quantum theory,

E1/E2 = ν12

E1/E2 = 4000 Hz/8000 Hz

E1/E2 = 1/2

14. Why are LED lights used to calculate Planck constant?

(i) It is a reliable light source available at a cheaper cost

(ii) It emits light at specific wavelengths

(iii) It emits different colored radiations at different threshold voltages

(iv) It transfers electric energy to light radiation

Answer: It emits different colored radiations at different threshold voltages


LED (light emitting diodes) helps to enumerate Planck constant experimentally.

It is due to its ability to emit different colored radiations at different threshold voltages while producing electrons.

15. The speed of the electromagnetic wave in a vacuum is_____________

(i) 6.626 x 10-27

(ii) 3 x 108

(iii) 6.023 x 1023

(iv) 5 x 1027

Answer: 3 x 108 m/sec


The electromagnetic wave travels with a constant speed of 3 x 108 m/sec in a vacuum.

16. Planck’s constant is _________________

(i) Proportionality constant

(ii) Universal constant

(iii) Fundamental constant

(iv) All of the above

Answer: All of the above


It shows the proportionality relation of Planck's constant with the photon's energy and frequency. Hence, it is a proportionality constant.

It is a fundamental physical quantity. Its magnitude and unit are independent of other physical quantities for measurements.

It is a constant value that does not change with time. So, it is a universal constant.

17. Why did Planck’s constant introduce in the quantum equation?

(i) Chemical equations must have a constant value

(ii) Planck felt to introduce it to have his name

(iii) It describes the photon energy from the frequency of light

(iv) A constant only can express the energy of light

Answer: It describes the photon energy from the frequency of light


The classical physics depictions of light could not explain phenomena such as black body radiations and the photoelectric effect.

But, the limitations of classical physics in explaining the ultraviolet catastrophe of black bodies laid the foundation for Planck’s experiments on the energies of oscillating particles.

Planck’s quantum theory proposed the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiant energies.

When Planck researched black body emissions in 1900, he found that a proportionality constant is essential in his empirical formula to match the experimental results.

With effort, he calculated the value of h to measure the quantum energy.

Max Planck received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1918 for his work on the energy quanta.

18. The Planck’s constant applies to______________

(i) Microscopic particles

(iii) Macroscopic objects

(iii) Both options (a) and (b)

(iv) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Microscopic particles


Planck’s constant explains the particle nature of light on the atomic and sub-atomic levels. Thus, it plays a vital role in quantum theory.

19. Unit of Planck’s constant in atomic units is _________________

(i) eV/hertz

(ii) eV hertz

(iii) Joule second

(iv) Joule/hertz

Answer: eV/hertz


In case we express energy in atomic units, the unit of Planck's constant is eV hertz-1 or eV second.

20. What is the influence of time on Planck's constant?

(i) It varies directly with time

(ii) It varies inversely with time

(iii) It depends on geographical location

(iv) It remains constant

Answer: It remains constant


h is a constant value that does not change with time. So, it is a universal constant.

Match the following quiz:

Here is a table of "match the following quiz" on Planck's constant topic with answers.

Column-A Column-B
A. Rydberg constant 1. Maximum intense wavelength of blackbody emissions
B. Planck's constant 2. Limiting value of highest wavenumber of photon
C. Wien constant 3. Size of energy chunks
D. Stefan's constant 4. Quantized angular momentum of electron orbits
E. Reduced Planck's constant 5. Amount of heat radiated from blackbody

Answers to the above match the following table is A-2, B-3, C-1, D-5, and E-4.

Numerical problems on Planck's constant:

Question-1: What is the threshold energy of light radiation whose wavelength is 200 nm? If the kinetic energy of the ejected electron is 1.68 x 106 J/mol.


Wavelength of emitted electromagnetic radiation = 200 nm = 200 x 10-9 m

According to Planck quantum law, we have;

E = hc/λ

h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds

c = Velocity of light in a vacuum = 3 x 108 m/sec

hc = (6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds) x (3 x 108 m/sec)

hc = (19.878 x 10-26 joule meter)

E = (19.878 x 10-26 Jm) / 200 x 10-9 m

E = 0.09939 x 10-17 joule

Energy of one mole of photon = (Energy of single photon) x Avogadro’s number

Energy of one mole of photon= (0.09939 x 10-17) x (6.023 x 1023)

Energy of one mole of photon = 0.5986 x 106 joule/mole

By photoelectric effect formula, we have;

½mv2 = hν-hν0

According to question, the kinetic energy of the ejected electron = 1.68 x 106 joule/mole

By substituting the values in the above equation, we get;

1.68 x 106 joule/mole = 0.5986 x 106 joule/mole – hν0

hv0 = -1.0814 x 106 joule/mole

Question-2: What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiation if the energy difference is 30 x 10-34 joule?


The energy difference of photon = 30 x 10-34 joule

Following the Planck’s quantum formula, we have;

ΔE = hν

By substituting the values of ΔE and h, we get;

(30 x 10-34 joule) = (6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds) x ν

ΔE = 4.527 sec-1

Question-3: Calculate the emission rate per second of released electromagnetic radiation whose wavelength is 0.5 nm. And the power of the bulb emitting light is 20 watts.


Wavelength of emitted electromagnetic radiation = 0.5 nm = 0.5 x 10-9 m

According to Planck quantum law, we have;

E = hc/λ

h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds

c = Velocity of light in a vacuum = 3 x 108 m/sec

hc = (6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds) x (3 x 108 m/sec)

hc = (19.878 x 10-26 joule meter)

E = (19.878 x 10-26 Jm) / 0.5 x 10-9 m

E = 39.756 x 10-17 joules

Rate of emission of photon per second = power of the bulb / energy of the emitted photon

According to the question, the power of electric bulb = 20 watts = 20 joule/seconds

By substituting the values in the above equation, we get;

Rate of emission of photon per second = 20 / 39.756 x 10-17 sec-1

Rate of emission of photon per second = 0.5030 x 1017 sec-1

Question-4: If the work function of a metal surface is 2 eV. What is the threshold wavelength of the light radiation?


The work function of a metal surface = 2 eV

hν = 2 eV = 2 x (1.602 x 10-19 joules)

hν = 3.204 x 10-19 joules

According to the relationship between the wavelength and frequency, we have;

ν = c/λ

hν = hc/λ = 3.204 x 10-19 joules

h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds

c = Velocity of light in a vacuum = 3 x 108 m/sec

hc = (6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds) x (3 x 108 m/sec)

hc = (19.878 x 10-26 joule meter)

By substituting the values in the above equation, we get;

(19.878 x 10-26 joule meter) /λ = 3.204 x 10-19 joules

λ = (19.878 x 10-26 joule meter) / 3.204 x 10-19 joules

λ = 620 nm

Question-5: What is the threshold frequency of the metal if the electron’s binding energy is 193 J/mole?

Binding energy of one mole of photon =hv0 = 193 J/mole

 Binding energy of single electron = 193 / (6.023 x 1023) J = 32.04 x 10-23 J

E= hv0

ν0 = E / h = 32.04 x 10-23 J / 6.626 x 10-34 Js

ν0 = 4.835 x 1011 s-1

Question-6: What is the mass of photon of sodium having wavelength of 550 nm?


Wavelength of sodium photon = 550 nm

By following de-Broglie equation, we have;

λ = h/mv

m = (6.626 x 10-34 js) / (3 x 108 m/sec) (550 x 10-9 m)

m = 0.00401 x 10-33 Kg

m = 4.01 x 10-36 Kg

Question-7: What is the wavelength of the ball having 0.1 kg mass moving with a velocity of 20m/sec?

Mass of ball = 0.1 kg

Velocity of ball = 20 m/sec

According to de-Broglie law, the formula for calculating the wavelength of photon is λ = h/mv

λ = (6.626 x 10-34 joule second) / 0.1 Kg x 20 m/sec

λ = 3.313 x 10-34 seconds

Question-8: A gas absorbs a photon of 100 nm and emits two spectral lines. The wavelength of one emission line is 125 nm. What is the wavelength of the other spectral line?


E1 is the energy of the photon absorbed. E2 and E3 are the spectral lines energy emitted.

Then E1 = E2+E3

According to Planck quantum theory,

ΔE = hc/λ

hc/λ1 = hc/λ2 + hc/λ3

1/100 = 1/125 + 1/λ3

1/λ3 = 1/100 -1/125

λ3 = 500 nm

Question-9: What is the energy of the photon corresponding to the light frequency 5 x 1015 sec-1?


The frequency of the electromagnetic radiation = 5 x 1015 sec-1

According to Planck quantum theory, we have;

E = hν

E = (6.626 x 10-34 joule second) x (5 x 1015 sec-1)

E = 33.13 x 10-19 joules

Question-10: What is the angular momentum of the hydrogen electron in the fourth orbit?


According to Bohr angular momentum condition mvr = nh/2π

mvr = 4h/2π

mvr = 2 x (6.626 x 10-34 joule second) / 3.14

mvr = 4.22 x 10-34 joule second

Planck's constant and reduced Planck's constant:

Students always confuse with h and ħ, which are the symbols that designate Planck's constant and reduced Planck's constant.

Max Planck discovered Planck's constant to enumerate the size of quantum. Besides, Neil Bohr invented reduced Planck's constant to calculate the angular momentum of quantized Bohr orbits.

Both h and ħ are numerical physical quantities having values 6.626 x 10-34 joule seconds and 1.054 x 10-34 joule seconds.

Planck's constant defines linear frequency. But, reduced Planck's constant shows angular frequency.

Planck's constant is the ratio of photon magnitude to the radiation frequency. And the reduced Planck's constant is the ratio of Planck's constant and 2π.

The natural unit of h is 2π, and that of ħ is 1.

It is an infographic that explains Planck's constant and reduced Planck's constant.


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